Conversation Between SuRroundeD By 1 and Nocte

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay, but combat where the first move is always to throw a grenade at your opponent becomes infuriating and the gameplay becomes stale. Which is always what happens, you cannot argue that. I bet you've played just as much halo in your life as I have and when players are gifted excess grenades they always act like I just mentioned.

    I would however, like an example in which a player needs two grenades and cannot just be satisfied with one.
  2. Combat is based on anything that a player can use to win a fight, whether with a gun, vehicles, or grenade. I'm not saying you need to throw both grenades for a single fire fight because then thats just a waste of grenades... However you don't truly know how much you need it until it's gone, which was why we had them put back into the wars during the beta war... To many people realized how important it was.
  3. I would disagree that any form of combat needs two grenades. All combat should revolve around ones skill in gun play, and grenades should only be used for croud control, vehicle flipping, or forcing a camper out of his hole, a regular fight should not involve one guy throwing both grenades before firing his weapon, which is what happens more often that not.
  4. I was one of the ones who wanted two grenades instead of one, I can see the problem of grenade spamming on a map like Aerospace however. I will still keep my stance at two grenades, as most combat requires having two grenades.
  5. Hey Eagle, at the Brotherhood officer meeting today, I brought it to their attention that (in my opinion) we need to decrease the amount of frags in each class from two grenades to one, this would greatly decrease the grenade spamming that occurred during the BLUE mock battle night. I don't know if you or your army have practiced on these maps with the current official GT's yet, but I just wanted to bring this to your attention. Thanks
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