Conversation Between Blackhawk570 and HellSpawn 101

9 Visitor Messages

  1. how is the wife?
  2. needed to keep myself interested thats why
  3. Why you redd?
  4. if i can make it i will do it
  5. Idk if I told you this, but can you host tomorrow's practice because me, anarchy, yehsus cannot make it.
  6. weekends arent good for me but im done work at 6 central time during the week
  7. Idk im asking everyone right now what are good times. It seems like Ash can only do weekends, Yehsus can do Wednesdays and Sundays, I can usually do weekdays weekends are hard for me. I can only do early or late Saturdays, so im trying to find out what days are available
  8. what days are u guys thinking?
  9. When is a good time for you to have any kind of practice?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
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