Conversation Between Project X A02 and UNLUCKY NUM13ER

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Unlucky are we still having that meeting next sunday?
  2. Thats alright project, youre still doing a better job than other squad members. And thanks for the input ill mark that down somewhere. Just let me know if you'll be able to make the practice on sunday. Take care and God Bless.
  3. Yo Unlucky, I do apologize for not staying in contact, I haven't been on the net lately and my brothers have been hogging my XBox (MW3 u know how that goes) but I wasn't sure if I could still vote for my Squad name (still working my way around this website) and although I like Dogs of War (DoW) I think I'll stick with FireSnakes it sounds more original and has a nice ring to it. Either way we'll STILL kick butt in the next war! Take care and God Bless!
  4. Thanks for the heads up project. Thats what I look for in my men, I hope you have fun & Ill see you around.
  5. Unlucky I just remembered, I cannot participate in the tournament this coming up Sunday. My church is hosting a family friendly non-Halloween Party at 6pm(it's kinda like the opposite of Halloween) we got games, activiies, and insider info on the History of Halloween and some of its practices. Just wanted to let u know that on the 30th I will be keeping the Spirit of Chirst strong during the weekend, u guys have fun may the best squad win, Take Care and God Bless!

    Project X A02
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