Conversation Between Static and Syfe

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Do us all a favor...

    Stop posting in the R.E.D.D. Army Enlistment Thread.

    Greet Recruits with either a PM; or a VM.

    Thanks, bud.

    P.S. We need more than just two(2) Recruits.
  2. Both the Wildcards & Dreadrogues are now operational.

    Kilo Company 2nd Platoon is at your command.

    Show me what you got...

    Thanks, bud.
  3. I need the Firesnakes operational.

    You have your objective.

    Keep me posted.

    Thanks, bud.

    P.S. Show me what you can do.
  4. Your rank and status are now updated.

    You have been designated as a Platoon Leader within the R.E.D.D. faction.

    You're hereby promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer.

    Congratulations and welcome to Kilo Company!

    Thanks, bud.

    P.S. I got you covered.

    P.S.S. Talk to Mythonian about changing your name to Static.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
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