Conversation Between Reaper and Salvanous

10 Visitor Messages

  1. lol, looked good bud
  2. wanted to see what you thought of my design of him in Joke Fight 7
  3. depends on what you mean, he is a XO in Athena which is in Ascanius, but I recrutied him and he was initially Ascension. Why?
  4. is blastoised one of your men?
  5. the amount of vcash that you have is ridiculous.
  6. check my new chapter of Purple Team, Your in it.
  7. when you get a chance check out my story of purple team story. your in the first chapter.
  8. Reaper, accept my Friend request on XBL, I want to talk about what you want for your map.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
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