The New One

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Hey to the person who is reading this post I like to say that its good to be a member of the Forerunner conflict. I am new so I might be asking for some help and also I like to say that the brother hood has been losing some games latey but I like to make a shout out to the blues that we will get our revenge.



  1. Mythonian's Avatar
    Welcome to FC!

    (I see that your email is still unverified. If you never received the email or something, let me know and I can manually approve your account, btw)
  2. silversleek's Avatar
    the legion needs good soldiers, make BLUE proud!
  3. Fuzzy's Avatar
    Join the GREEN Army, we fight for BLUE sometimes
  4. Juggernaut9473's Avatar
    Bar fights don't count fuzzy
  5. Spattan177's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut9473
    Bar fights don't count fuzzy
    lolol. ol. I-O-I <--- TIE fighter
  6. GhostHammer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Spattan177
    lolol. ol. I-O-I <--- TIE fighter
    <-O-> Yea well TIE Interceptor! HA!
  7. Breezy's Avatar
    Ghost hammer is long dead
  8. Silko's Avatar
    (-O-), TIE Advance, I win
  9. Spattan177's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Silko
    (-O-), TIE Advance, I win
    Silko get in the game, that's a TIE Bomber!
  10. Silko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Spattan177
    Silko get in the game, that's a TIE Bomber!
    No a TIE Bomber is (-O-O-)

    The TIE Bomber requires two pilots, thus the duel cockpits. Where as the TIE Advance only requires one pilot. For those who do not know what the TIE advance is, it is a downgraded version of Vader's personal Starfighter shown in A New Hope. Vader's fighter, the TIE Advance X1, was made just for him. Unlike many TIE based ships, Vader's fighter had a hyperdrive and long lasting life support which allowed him to survive the Battle of Yavin by fleeing to the planet Vaal to later be rescued by the Imperial Fleet.

    Don't question my Star Wars Knowledge. I will show you the true power of the Dark Side.
  11. Spattan177's Avatar
    oh, yeah you win. shows how smart I is. but I dare you to question my knowledge of an elder scrolls fan fiction that you don't know about.
  12. Toast78901's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Silko
    No a TIE Bomber is (-O-O-)

    The TIE Bomber requires two pilots, thus the duel cockpits. Where as the TIE Advance only requires one pilot. For those who do not know what the TIE advance is, it is a downgraded version of Vader's personal Starfighter shown in A New Hope. Vader's fighter, the TIE Advance X1, was made just for him. Unlike many TIE based ships, Vader's fighter had a hyperdrive and long lasting life support which allowed him to survive the Battle of Yavin by fleeing to the planet Vaal to later be rescued by the Imperial Fleet.

    Don't question my Star Wars Knowledge. I will show you the true power of the Dark Side.
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