Well, im not going to tell you much about my non-gaming life , so here it is
I've always loved halo , I still do . I joined FC off of and affiation by the 105th, I've recently been Perma-banned. So i decided to go all out on the highly organized FC. I decided that Red was not for me at all so i went to Blue. Blue is much like me. Fun , and having a great time but still serious at very important points.
My non-Fc carrer is very diffrent though. Im a RTS gamer for life. Ive played lots and lots of RTS games. I've played Starcraft, I honestly didn't find it teh most enjoyable game out there but i did like it. Ive playd CC1, 2, 3 and much more. My current favorite RTS that i say go play now cause its awsome is Dawn of War. Its a game that is much tactical than anything ive played before. Ima Chaos and Imperials for life. Ive been looking forward to Reach on mainly Forge World and Campaign . i mean come on its much more sick looking than matchmaking.....