I've heard from a few people that wars still take a vast amount of time. I have no current experience with this myself, but I thought I would start up a discussion for this as well as throw a few ideas for you all to chew on:

1.) Have you considered making wars for Saturday and Sunday? REDD's defense one night, the next night it 's offense? It would make things more manageable in terms of time, as well as give members more flexibility to attend the bread and butter event of FC. Only downsides are:
-1 less day to practice a map.
-1 may make battle plans a bit tougher for higher ups.

2.) I know this idea will get flak , but it's the best idea in my mind: make wars every other week. This gives each side more time to practice a map as well as open up a Sunday for other events like LARPS, Tournaments, Gamenights, ect. I remember balancing school and trying to have multiple squads learn a map 'a chemistry. An additional week would make war night's long time less of an issue , as well as give squads more time to practice maps and really have a good contest. It would make wars last longer, but would that be a bad thing?

3.) Provide incentives to Squads to be there early: perhaps 100 Vcash a week for being there 30 minutes early and ready to start at a moment's notice. Or even further make it a benefit of 100vCash a week if squads remain quiet and let only leaders speak when in war lobby.

I understand that FC needs to be flexible with their wars , and that there will always be hiccups with plans with everyone having a busy schedule . I'm simply trying to get this ball rolling to help avoid these issues more effectively and let everyone get on with the fun more often.