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    Useless without Toast Jam Cliché's Avatar
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    How to guarantee an MCC match will start!

    If you are having troubles viewing your roster, joining games, or starting matches on MCC, do not just quit your game, or hard reset your Xbox.

    Home > Start > Settings > Network > Advanced Settings > Alternate MAC Address > Clear > Restart

    This will quit your game, hard reset your Xbox, and effectively do the closest thing to resetting your console's connection to the network, analogous to clearing cache or history on your internet browser. The Xbox One experiences frequent network issues related to communicating with your gateway to the internet, and the Halo games on Xbox One, so far, have suffered greatly for it. This temporarily alleviates these issues, but connecting to others will eventually cause them to resurface. So it unfortunately must be done repeatedly.

    The match WILL start if every person has done this prior to entering the game lobby. This should be done before and after each game! On Sundays, during Battle Nights, if you are having issues engaging multiplayer, then it is the fault of you or someone in your last game lobby! If you attempt to start a match after doing this and it fails, then somebody did not do this, and you ALL need to do it again because of this!

    Is it annoying? Sure, but everyone simply follows instructions, you will have ZERO ISSUES, as long as your own home internet service and Xbox Live are functioning properly.

    Is MCC perfect? No, but it IS functioning, and this is the most effective method for making it function with the smallest chance of errors. Your ability to follow instructions is paramount to making this next year of wars playable for the rest of the community. Don't slack, clear your MAC.
    Last edited by Jam Cliché; 01-20-2015 at 09:44 PM.

    Real power comes from the man next to you and is built on the foundations of brotherhood and unity. There is no such thing as a one man army.

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