WELL, I tried to post this in the War Council chat but because everyone in there is too busy being busy, I'll post it here for some more opinions.

If any of you watch competitive Halo, you're probably aware of the term 'Money 8s, 4s, 2s' etc. I was brainstorming an idea that could either be really good, or really bad. We don't really use vCash anymore, and I was under the impression that it would be removed from the website. But, the more likely option is that a vCash reset will happen instead, which sees everyone put back to 100 or so.

Alongside the vBookie, I could hold an event (not sure how often it should occur yet) in which people can use their vCash to buy in, much like a poker match, and those players will play a custom game of any type in which the 3 top players take the accumulative vCash. Here is an example (I will be using 'VC' as the currency).

Player Name Buy-in Amount Placing Winnings
Player 1 100VC 1st 500VC
Player 2 100VC 2nd 200VC
Player 3 100VC 3rd 100VC
Player 4 100VC 4th -
Player 5 100VC 5th -
Player 6 100VC 6th -
Player 7 100VC 7th -
Player 8 100VC 8th -

Also, if possible, it'd be amazing to have an automated leaderboard based on vCash on the website. If not, it's possible to do manually but takes quite a bit of time. An example of gametypes that could be used:

  • Money 8s #1 - FFA
  • Money 8s #2 - FFA SWAT
  • Money 8s #3 - FFA Fiesta Slayer
  • Money 8s #4 - Infection

Also, teams are possible in this scenario, in which each member of the winning team wins back double their buy in amount.

I could also increase the buy in to make matches more tense.

Any thoughts, suggestions, etc. are greatly appreciated.