Does this post belong here? If not, my bad boo.

I just wanna know WHAT HAPPENED to FC? I have been gone for awhile obviously, since 2013-ish, so please help me understand what happened to this community that I use to get hyped over.

I have played one game last BN, was fun. Everyone was chill and respectful, good times like old times. But it wasn't until talking to a few people that I realized that the community doesn't have hardly anyone anymore. I love this community, it saved Halo 4 for me (game was shit but FC revived that Halo spark for me). I've met people through here who are now very good friends of mine. I don't want it going down the shitter path so many other communities have done (looking at you HaloUnity). This may be one of the oldest, if not oldest communities for Halo left. FC is a damn fossil compared to 3/4 of Halo community nowadays, and that's a good thing! This community brings people together through casual and competitive gaming, and it would be a shame for Halo to lose that.

So what happened to FC? Why is it on life support, and why aren't we, as the community, doing everything we can to save it? It doesn't help having new people see the state it's in either, I have buds who were interested but sorta brushed it off once they seen it's only a handful of people. Potential players are backing off because they see a community that's tanking.

I hate to be the doom and gloom guy, but it only took me three days to notice the state of the community and the direction it's heading in...and if I can see it, anyone can (I'm a Kentuckian, we aren't bright).