Holy crap this place changed from the last time I was on here. Oh wait right...I was supposed to start with hi......

HI THERE! It has been a long time since I have last been on this site, I had a lot of crap going on IRL and this just kinda fell off for me. Things that have happened since I was last here. I got my associates degree in Network Services Technology, I got my CCNA, my son started elementary school, and I am NO LONGER WORKING AT FUCKING MCDONALD'S!!!! I now work in the support department at the DutyFree Americas headquarters in Hollywood, Florida. For some of you new people who don't know who I am, I have been in both armies multiple times, even spent some time as a neutral in the WC before life took over multiple times. To those who do know me, whats up? How has shit been?

Anyway I just figured since I am bored as fuck in a class right now that I would pop back in and say hello again.