What is this? New forums? Oh my!

First off, let me be the first person to welcome you to our new forums.

Everything is about the same, with a few new features here and there. Just a few notes about the forums though.

1. There will be no usergroup changes until High Command positions are filled. After each FM has their ranks in order, we will move everyone to proper usergroup.

2. There are a couple bugs with the current skin, I am actively working on them. Expect the skin to change either a little bit, or a whole new skin.

3. If you encounter ANY bugs, please post them in the thread located in Administrative Assistance. Do not make a separate thread for each little bug found.

Other then that, usual forum activities. Play around, see what's new and what's old. Your welcome PM will have all the info you need.

Once again, welcome to the new forums.

Website Administrator