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Thread: SpartanBH

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  1. #1
    Founder of Forerunner Conflict
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    Sep 2010
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    Hello all new members of Forerunner Conflict! Allow me to formally introduce myself!

    I'm SpartanBH and I am the Forerunner and Co-Founder of Forerunner Conflict! Here's a bit of my history in Forerunner Conflict.

    -Joined the precursor war community called Allies vs. Axis: Halo Style on October 22, 2005 (I WAS ONLY 13 YEARS OLD). I joined and earned the rank of sergeant with a few members of a clan that I led before the wars (U.S. Army all the way!).

    -AvA eventually faltered and we created Galactic Wars in the winter of 2005-2006, where I was immediately promoted to Colonel of The World Federation.

    -Halfway into Galactic Wars I joined a famous Halo 2 Machinima group called Injured Knee Productions where for several years I would help write and act for our popular series such as LOST: Halo Style and the Life Obstacles of Special Ted (you can check out our videos here):

    -After a falling out in Galactic Wars, I and others broke off to create a short-lived war community called Total War: The Evermore Conflict which lasted from March to May.

    -In June of 2006 I became one of the main founders of Red vs. Blue Retaliation, which would eventually become Forerunner Conflict at the start of Halo 3. I was immediately given the rank of General in Red Army.

    -Was them promoted to a made-up rank of Red Master General in late 2006, where along with Raz Vader (who was Blue Master General) we oversaw the entire community to make sure it ran well.

    -After a war restart in early 2007, I and Tyranny90 became Co-Field Marshals of Blue Army and led Blue to the first war victory in RvBR history

    -Halo 3 arrived and I took more of a backseat role in leadership, eventually leaving the community for personal reasons for almost a year

    -Returned to fight for REDD Army in late summer of 2008 as Sergeant Major, helping REDD win the war and I received REDD Army's Medal of Honor

    -Left Forerunner Conflict in mid-2009 again for personal reasons

    -Rejoined in early 2011 and was immediately given the community rank as Forerunner, remained neutral for 2 years.

    -Returned to army action by enlisting in BLUE Army in May of 2013 to join the squad Legacy, which is where I've been since holding the rank of Sergeant Major and Janitor.

    My current role as Forerunner in Forerunner Conflict is to to make sure the community stays true to its goals of FUN, RESPECT, FRIENDSHIP, and ENHANCING THE HALO EXPERIENCE. While I do not have much "power", I am able to lend advice and opinions to the current leaders of FC. I also roll with one of the best squads, LEEEEGGGGGAAACCCCYYYYYY and I try to play in battles as much as possible. Also, I like to be a goof and make sure everyone is having a good time. If anyone ever needs advice or someone to talk to, you can always come to grandaddy SpartanBH!

    So that's my basic history of Forerunner Conflict! Certainly a lot for a gamer! Oh, I am also the creator of the greatest gametype to ever bless Forerunner Conflict, Hill 30.

    But anyways, who really is the man behind the GT though? Well I'm certainly different than the 14 year old in junior high who created one of the longest-lived gaming communities ever.I'm now 22, a college student studying Sport Management at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, PA, and I've even studied abroad in Rome, Italy for 4 months! My career goal is to work in marketing for the National Hockey League (BECAUSE I FREAKING LOVE HOCKEY). But video gaming and Halo will always be a huge passion on mine, and I'm glad that I am still part of Forerunner Conflict

    See you on the Battlefield everyone!
    Last edited by Spartanbh; 11-12-2014 at 04:16 PM.

    I created Hill 30

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