So, apparently, the new Playstation, codenamed Orbis, will not only NOT be backwards compatible but will also have some sort of protection against used games. This means no more buying cheap used games and no playing old games on new platforms. We're either going to have to rebuy digital copies of all our old games or... just that, we'll have to rebuy digital copies of all our old games. I know most are like "I'll keep my old console handy for when I want to replay one of my classics.". But what happens in 15 years when all our consoles break and they become harder to find than a piece of straw in a haystack? Not only is this rumored for PSO, but also for the new Xbox. So, I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts. Good? Bad? Another way for game companies to cheat us out of our money?

Me? I think it's terrible. Unless they have some way of giving us free copies of games we've already bought, like a barcode scanner or a disc burner. I was talking to my mom and got the idea. It'll be like Itunes. You burn a game onto the console then it goes into a library you can access using Cloud memory. Something like that. I really don't want to rebuy my games and I know in 15 years I'm going to want to play Uncharted, Mercenaries, Kingdom Hearts, Mass Effect, Gears, and Halo. I've already tried buying digital copies of my PS2 games and they don't even have them on PSN. They have 12 games for PS2 compared to the 150 games for PS1(exaggeration?). This would mean that Orbis will have a huge library of PS2 games and we'll have to wait for the Next Next Gen for a respectable PS3 library. So, I think it's bad, very, very, bad. Then again, I'm just kinda worried about the future of gaming.