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Thread: Fraternitas

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    Senior Citizen ArchAngelLloyd's Avatar
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    I decided to make a one time short story it playes a bit off of Messi's story. Hope you dont mind bud.
    Fraternitas is Latin for Brotherhood

    The silence was suddenly broken. “Sir if I may ask how did you get here,” . My thoughts of my present situation suddenly melted away. I looked at the young Spartan sitting next to me he was 2 and a half decades younger than my self Biologically speaking that is. Chronologically I was much MUCH older then him. In all honesty I happen to be the oldest member In the Brotherhood that I am aware of. Looking at the two of us you couldn’t tell it by the teal blue colored Armour he wore or the blue Grey armor I wore.
    While looked at him. I could remember how his was scrapped dented and looked like it had seen a lot of heavy action. To much action in my opinion for some one of his age. Although nether of us could actually see any thing with out the aid of our Visor's which switched to F.L.I.R mode the moment the cave collapsed sending the both of us into complete darkness.
    My voice cracked briefly from the lack of use from the minutes that had ticked away while we waited to die a slow unfitting death for a solder.
    We were buried alive with no enemy to fight just the silent impenetrable darkness.“ I ordered you in here then I followed” I paused briefly while swallowing to allow my voice to regain its composure. “Which by the way was a either very smart OR extremely stupid. It depends on whether we will be found before we run out of air to breath, and If the transmission from our beacons is even piercing through all this rock and that radiation from the nuke we just set off” I said sarcastic with a twinge of pride. I thought to my self “When I blow something up I like to make sure it is stays BLOWN up”.
    ZG began to speak again. His nick name was short for Zombie Grunt which he had gotten from being the newest member of the squad with his pale pasty complexion with those dark circles under neath of his eyes“I mean not here specifically. Sir we both knew the odds of surviving this mission, but how did YOU a Spartan 2 get back here on Reach after All these years”. “That is a very loooong story” I said note really wanting to go into it. I would rather not have to relive those first moments again from when I found out what had been lost. How much had changed since I was put into that cryo pod that fate full day so long ago that saved my life.
    I sighed remembering that he wasn’t good in closed in tight places. His parents had been tortured and killed right in front of Him and his neighbors for being Blue sympathizers. He being deemed to young to know any better was put into the R.E.D.D Spartan program and later liberated by a Squad from Aeneas company. High command felt it best he was put in Belletor squad which I commanded due to his past and mine being similar.
    Even in the darkness I could tell he needed a distraction. Taking a deep breath I began to tell my story. “You see my parents to were killed for being loyal to the what then was known as the UNSC. I had the misfortune of growing up on a colony rock that was a Insurrectionist strong hold”. The painful memories swelled up within me. My parents being there one day then gone with a blink of an eye. Then being hauled off to an orphanage, picked on and bullied and beaten to a pulp by the other kids . No one even bated and eye when I went missing from that place.
    No one cared! I barley remembered the nice lady with her dark long hair that summer day who asked me if I wanted to be apart of something great to better then I was. To be, Special! A few years went by I honestly for the life of me cant remember what happened. I was told at one point it was part of the process of becoming what I am today. I know now that my mind just blanked it out because it was to painful. Your mind can only take so much then shuts every thing beyond that out.
    A warning began to flash on my visor letting me know my O2 levels were critical. It was getting harder to breath. So I cracked my helmet and took it off. The air levels in the cave were better but not by much. Besides I thought “this way the kid will have more of a chance at rescue and a better life then I had if he had my air reserves as well”. I know it wasn’t much but it was better that one of us lived then both of us dying.
    I went on describing the Insurrectionist conflict with the UNSC then switching to the Covenant war. All the way up to the point I was put into that Damn pod that kept me alive while it orbited reach. “You see something adjusted the orbit of the pod. A then Captain Salvanous saw my pods reentry as it crashed into the foot hills at the base of project Ascension. I was nearly dead when He found my body in the twisted wreckage that used to be my life line. Now as the saying goes the rest this history”. ZG mostly kidding said. “Wow I knew you were old but I didn't know that you were a fossil” He began to laugh I chuckled slightly letting it go due to our present situation.
    Suddenly the ruble at the mouth of the cave moved slightly then gave way. Our coms sprang back to life with chatter.
    Through the blazing light and dust that now filled up the cave again I could barley make out two figures. We readied our selves for an attack. After all we just did blow up one of R.E.D.D Commands ship yards with a 20 ton tactical war head. As the dust cleared to ZG's and my relief we both instantly recognized both Purple and Messi's armor. It was Messi who spoke first “thought you two were goners that was some fire works display” Purple replied in only the way that purple can“That was one big BOOM can we do it again”.
    I replied with a big grin on my face “What took you so long? and ZG that comment just a moment ago?” ZG asked “Ya?” “That bought you a week of Lateran duty. Purple Messi make sure our new recruit has every thing he needs to accomplish his new mission. To boldly go where every one has gone before. Now lets go home”
    Still Smiling like that Cheshire cat from Alice and Wonder Land I walked by the two older bewildered Belletor squad members to inspect our handy work first hand on our way to the Pelican that was waiting a few hundred feet away.
    Behind me they both barked simultaneously “Yes Sir”.

    The End
    Last edited by ArchAngelLloyd; 07-14-2012 at 08:28 PM. Reason: Misspelled my co's name whooops

    Life is transient. Hold on to the moment. Never Lose hope and fight the good fight.

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