Today, all day, I'll be hosting Halo 3 and possibly Reach custom Games. You're free to join REDD or Blue, although I do ask one thing. If I don't have you added, please identify yourself. Drop a voice message saying nothing but "custom games" (so I don't have to listen for too long, I'll be busy here shortly) The games tend to include but aren't limited to:

~ Multi Team Multi Flag CTF
~ Classic Team Slayer, Sprint Only (Reach)
~ Classic Team Slayer, All Abilities, (Reach)
~ Slayer, Spawn with Magnums
~ Slayer, Spawn with Plasma Pistols
~ Multi Team Oddball, VIP, Etc.
~ Infection, Infection Variants (Example: New and exciting twists, like Humans getting SMG's.)
~ And many More!

***One Thing to Note, in some of my games, minus maybe infection, the leader/leading team is sometimes at a disadvantage. Slower speed? Maybe. One less Grenade on respawn? Quite possibly. I don't always do this however, it's random. So watch yourself! If you walk like a turtle and have a huge waypoint when you take the lead on Slayer, you'll know why***

I hope to see you all there.