So while stumbling today I feel upon something Ron Paul said about the whole Islam Mosque being built near Ground Zero or the Twin Towers.

This got me back into politics for a brief moment. I always stop following because I just get enraged at the amount of the bullshit either party feeds to Americans, and then they just eat it up.

So now I'm looking into who has the better tax plan for America.

Romney's Plan:

Obama's Plan:

Now I want this discussion to be unbiased, because lets face it. Taxes can only truly work one way, both candidates want to reduce the deficit and in the name of Mr. Carlin, "balance the stupid fucking budget."

Myth, I'm really hoping you do your thing here. I really want to crunch the numbers myself and run scenarios to find out whose tax plan is the best? At the same time however I want to get to the bottom of which is the best over-all, as in how should our taxes really be ran regardless of the candidate's plan.