You decide to stay put. You find a crate large enough for you to sit down while you wait. You wait, with your shotgun at your side. Even though you're relaxed, you still have your hand ready for whatever runs around that corner.

You suddenly feel tired, and drowsiness begins to take effect. You try to fight your tiredness, but it seems as if it is out of your control. You barely close your eyes, then something awakens you. A loud screech from outside the armory. You stand up with your shotgun shouldered, and slowly move toward the door. As you approach where the body used to be, a red dot appears on your sensor. You steady your weapon, waiting for this enemy to pop around the corner.

Within an instant, multiple red dots flood your sensors. You begin to step backwards, but your HUD begins to flicker. Your sensor turns to static, and white noise floods your audio. Trying to comprehend what is happening, you see movement. You quickly take off your helmet and throw it aside. Something grabs your leg, but you quickly dispose of it with a slug.

Something then impacts your chest, throwing you to the ground. The brute force of the creature broke several of your ribs, and you could feel the cold bio-foam trying to heal the gashes in your suit. You try to stand up, but you can't. You feel something jump on top of your chest. You see some creature staring at you with it's pale white eyes. It un-clinches it's jaws, but you gather enough power to deliver a swift punch to it's head. You crush it's skull.

Hearing multiple screeches and claws scraping the ground, you know that there is no way to fight back. You enter the fail safe code that will detonate in ten seconds. As you smile, and the creatures begin to swarm you, a white blast engulfs the room, destroying everything.

You're Dead~