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    A New Recruit Video

    Video Gurus of Forerunner Conflict,

    It is not often that I ask for assistance in this realm, but I need it.

    Sometimes for new recruits, it is a daunting task to sign up on the site and understand what we are all about.

    Myth started a series of videos explaining the rules of engagement, but I would like to start making videos on what new recruits should be doing once they arrive in our site.

    The Goal:

    For this video to be part of the welcome message that all new recruits will be able to view to help them a long their way at FC.


    It will include a welcome speech, how to sign up for a faction, what do do after sign up, and important history and other details about the community that I or other leaders can provide.

    I need your help guys. So, if you are serious about starting this project with me, send me a message ASAP and I will give you the full details.

    I understand I may get multiple responses, so please provide your video making background in your message.

    Also note that this will be a part of our YouTube channel.

    Thanks everyone.

    P.S. if you help me and complete the project within 4 weeks of this post, I'll give you a prize.
    Last edited by RaZ Vader; 03-19-2013 at 05:46 PM.

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