I'm a huge fan of shooters. Gears next to Halo is one of my all time favorite series. I was abit on edge when 343 would be taking over the Halo Franchise. THEY KICKED ASS! The same cannot be said about Microsoft Milking what was supposed to be a trilogy and done. Microsoft decided to make a Prequel to follow precious Baird and Cole around.... GEARS IS A MULTIPLAYER GAME! It was made famous for it's multiplayer and the competitive group of gamers it brought. GoW:Judgment.... Is an E M B A R R A S S M E N T. How can you release a once competitive multiplayer game with four I SAY AGAIN (FOUR) Multiplayer Maps to play on launch day. They switched the controls to be Call of Duty gamer friendly. You can no longer use your D-Pad to Cycle between your two weapons, pistol, and grenades. You are given a Primary Weapon and a Pistol. GO PICK UP THAT LANCER IF YOU WANT IT AND A GNASHER SHOTGUN apparently... The campaign takes roughly 6 hours to complete. The $60 Price Tag... Pathetic if you ask me. Microsoft has done it again. They killed a great series. Halo.... Don't you die on me!