Back again? I knew you wanted more.

Both K20 and 1123 are amazed at how many covie are guarding their objective.
However they must carry on, as 1123 allows his hud to link up with his plazmot sniper rifle k20 scopes out the power station.

K20:"about 20 snipers and 4 elite leaders"

1123:"what? no way"

"yes way"

1123: "this is going to be hard"

Our spartan's now ready proceed to the battle field, getting closer and closer but never being seen.
Keep in mind that this home planet of the covenant only has 5 power stations, losing one would be a huge blow.
The covenant need these stations to refuel their banshees and phantoms, they also need them to make energy weapons.

Now ready to attack k20 releases a frag and dashes straight in, meanwhile 1123 begins sniping all elites in the area.
With only one standard issue xbr51 battle rifle, k20 manages to kill almost every jackal and grunt within 12 minutes.
A mighty impressive feet for most but for k20 its his average kill rate.
3 boss elite generals remain alongside a few grunts and snipers.

For all those who dont know whats inside my head, the plazmot sniper rifle was a prototype killing machine however It was put to rest because of it malfunctioning(humans cant make good lazer powered weapons ^.^).
The xbr51 is an older version of halo 3's battle rifle.
Now back to the story.

1123 is head shooting sniper after sniper while k20 assassinates the last remaining elite general.
Now with no more enemies our two favorite spartan's are ready to plant the bomb and head home.

K20:"is it set up yet"


"you have been setting this up for 20 minutes now, what gives?"

"it takes alot of work to set up a semi atomic bomb you know"

"just one miss calculation and puff there goes our lives"

"fine i get it but the covenant are already sending reinforcements, we should hurry up"

1123:"finally done, now take out that covenant jammer over there so we can call for a ride"

K20: "can do"


K20:"jammer down but im out of ammo now"

1123: "no need to worry i sent a homing beacon"

Now awaiting their ride our spartan's find themselves under massive enemy fire.
As a pelican hover from above all K20 can do is throw left over plasma grenades.
The pelican fires rapidly at a wild mob of elites.
The pelican takes a massive energy blast from a near by phantom.
As the pelican lands to pick up K20 and 1123 it explodes.
K20 and 1123 are sent flying across the field.
Suddenly as K20 regains consciousness a shield jackal rushes towards him.
The jackal bashes his shield rapidly against K20's limp body.
As K20 tries to block himself 5 more shield jackals join in the beating.
As K20 desperatly screams for help more jackals arrive.

K20: "is this the end? will i die here?"

"tick" "tick" "tick"

K20: "THE BOMB!!!"

1123:"move move"

1123 kills countless covies and grabs K20 and they leap for cover.
K20 now stable and ready for action grabs a covenant carbine off the ground.
After k20 dust off the carbine, he heads for a nearby reactor and tries to keep his head low.
1123 heads for the pelican remains and grabs plazmot ammo.
As more drop pods arrive the battlefield is littered with dead grunts, elites, and jackals.
However with so many covies our spartan's are fighting a losing battle.
K20 slowly moves back, remembering that they placed a bomb, he knows they only have about 20 minutes.

1123:"how many covenant live on this planet?"

K20:"well this is a home planet after all"

lazer blast******************** ************************* *

K20: "we need to lure them in closer"

"im on it"

Will our heroes survive?
Find out in episode 3.