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Thread: Poems

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  1. #1


    The darkness is closing in
    I am finally paying for my sin
    I can feel deaths cold embrace
    I can clearly see his white face
    He invites me to peace
    But my old life must cease
    Never again will I see her
    But I cannot stir
    Never will she be my wife
    Forever will I be from her life
    Yet this time I feel no remorse
    There is no way to change my course
    So I take his hand
    And as such I join deaths band

    She is the sun in my eye
    The one whom I will love
    Forever until I die
    She is my perfect dove

    I can’t change the way I feel
    She is the perfect drug
    I will love her but she’ll
    Never feel my hug

    For she has it set in her mind
    That I am one who is to divine
    To be the one to hold her hand
    But this must be a sign

    That I don’t deserve to live
    For she is the only one for me
    And without her I cannot thrive
    I would be so lost I could not see.

    Sadly her mind is set
    And there is nothing I can do
    So I stand her friend, yet
    My love will always remain true

    One day she might be
    The person who I wed
    But until then I will always be up until three
    Crying over her in my bed

    I wake up with hope
    I sleep with tears
    There is no way I can cope
    I must face these deadly fears

    I have loved you with all my heart
    But I have been met with disdain
    I cannot tell my emotions apart
    There is just to much pain

    I don’t know if you care
    But you are the one I love
    Every time I see you I have to stare
    You are all I kind think of

    The moon once had no compare
    Then I saw you in my sight
    and I felt like there was no air
    The feelings are to hard to fight

    I never told you this before
    But you are all I could ever need
    Sadly this love will never sore
    So my eyes shall forever bleed

    One day maybe you will be mine
    But I know you do not care
    That I think of you as divine
    This kind of life I can’t bear

    So as the tears flow
    I will keep my feelings bestowed
    Upon myself, and take each blow
    And shoulder all the extra load

    And slowly shall I die inside
    Feeling as if my life is for naught
    Remembering of every night I cried
    And all the pain seeing you has brought

    no matter what i do
    ill never be good enough for you
    i do my best to try
    but all my hopes just die
    i wish that you could see
    that i could just maybe
    be that one guy
    that will always be by your side
    no matter what
    you ever do, but
    this just me standing
    and talking here handing
    all my love four you
    hoping that my dream may come true
    but all the efforts will be in vain
    these feelings are driving me insane
    they will drive me to my death
    i can already feel my last breath
    there has been so much pain wrought
    to much sad thought
    i have been here for so long
    I feel like i'm trapped in a siren's song
    i cant get out
    i am to filled with doubt
    i can never be over this love
    even when i'm in the sky above
    you are the one for me
    i am just waiting for you to see
    girl, i'll be the one to hold you forever
    but that chance will come never

    The day’s rays finally peak
    Yet here we still speak
    I know how this will end
    Eternity without you I shall spend
    I just wish I could have one more touch
    And go back to when we loved each other so much
    But now that ring is coming off your finger
    Here I know you shall not linger
    You will leave before the nights end
    These feelings someone cannot mend
    Now the nights shall grow long
    Without out you to share in the nights song
    I wish I could make you come back
    Without you my days will be black
    So I am standing here trying not to cry
    As all the memories flow by
    I thought that we would always be together
    And now forever turns into never
    Now I see you leave
    There is so much for me to grieve
    For even now you are the one I love
    But I have to watch you fly away like a dove

    Everyone can laugh like it’s a joke
    But to many feelings will evoke
    From that joke and cause so much pain
    Yet still they talk and will not refrain
    I stand and take the punishment
    They don’t realize all the treatment
    That words like theirs have caused me to get
    They leave me falling into a pit
    One that I myself have dug
    They lay me down like a rug
    And think it is funny to step over me
    They will never believe what I see
    So I sit in the corner and cry
    Until my eyes are finally dry
    While my mind goes end over end
    Making me feel as if I’m condemned
    To live a life as this
    It would surely not be a miss
    If I were to disappear
    And never can my head be clear
    I hope for this to one day change
    But until then I will arrange
    These lines and think
    Wait until I can finally drink
    The substance that makes me sleep
    And take me to my dreams so deep
    But until then the pain will not cease
    And never shall I know peace

    You must think you’re so big
    Because you can put someone down
    But you should know you are a clown
    And are like a filthy pig

    Everyone knows how you act
    And those who like you
    Are scared of what you can do
    But im not like that, that’s a fact

    You can come at me
    But I will not refrain
    And not let you cause pain
    Because I am here to set others free

    We have all had enough
    There is no one who you can trust
    Soon you will be dust
    Because without words, you aren’t tough

    You may look strong
    But all you are is a weak bully
    And no one trusts you fully
    With the way you are, you don’t have long

    Those others will turn their backs
    When you are in trouble
    Making all the problems double
    You will feel like you’ve been hit by an axe

    While you think I got just what you deserve
    I am the guardian of others
    Each of them is my brother
    None others have had this nerve

    So let’s see what you are made of
    So others can see how you fall
    No one will see you se tall
    Now get out of here before I take off my glove
    The water falls swiftly
    Like a diving bird
    And I lay here thinking deeply
    All of it so absurd

    To think that one such as me
    Could be with someone like you
    It’s like a desert sea
    If only you could have these feelings too

    Lightning flashes across the sky
    And so to do memories in my mind
    Each one flying by
    I don’t see how I could have been so blind

    How many times was I rejected
    Even with all the emotions I poured
    And how much you neglected
    My feelings making me pierced by a sword

    The rain seems to never stop
    Both outside, and from my eyes
    I just wish I could top
    And be better than all the other guys

    The sun shall never shine
    Not while I see you with others
    But yet I have to confine
    All these feelings, as you go to another

    The clouds are dark
    And such is my life
    For you can not see that spark
    That we have, so I cry

    The rain is muffled by my sobs
    My life feels completely loss
    Like I now longer have a job
    And I am hanging on a cross

    Finally sleep closes in
    And we are together
    Our parents now both kin
    And it is like that forever
    A bird can weave a beautiful song
    A spider can enchant you with a web
    But none of them can hold my view like you
    There has never been one as fair as you
    Never one to match your compassion
    Men fall at your feet for you
    Myself included in those
    For though you do not love me
    The price is worth the wait
    For I could wait a hundred lives
    To have a moment or two with you
    I would die for one moment under the sky
    Or kill for a lifetime by your side
    Never again shall a person like you live
    And never shall I live until I can hold you
    So close and never have to let go
    Until the beating of my heart comes to a close
    That is the kind of life I would want
    One where I am all that you ever need
    I could care not of how we fared
    Nor where we lived
    Because with you by me
    We would prosper everywhere
    But what am I than another man
    At the feet of queen so fair
    Hoping that she may listen to my words
    And come to love them as I do her
    But I fear that I shall be rejected
    And tossed out of her sight forever
    Spend the rest of my days dreaming
    About the one girl who got away
    I can feel the teeth setting in
    Forcing me to the ground
    With every second, another tooth is set
    And there is nothing I can do against it
    Even if I yell out
    There can be no help
    If I try to fight back
    It just makes it worse
    Its hunger deepens when the night falls
    Making the animal much more ferocious
    Daylight comes, yet it is not sated
    Everyday it requires more and more
    I continue to cry out
    But no one can help
    These demons are my own to carry
    But I can’t cry out
    For what would others think
    When they see why I am bit by these teeth
    As the days grow
    My energy wanes
    I cant escape the vice
    No matter what I do
    I guess these bites will stay
    And never be gone until I’m gone
    I have stood here for quite awhile
    Solemnly, with a warming smile
    But my time has come to move
    It’s time for me to tell you all you’ve
    Done to me and my heart
    So I guess this is my start
    You act like I’m dead
    Until a problem enters your head
    And what can I do
    But help you
    And hope that you could be my love
    But there has been a lack thereof
    For never have I had a hint
    Not even a slight glint
    Of my feelings returned
    That I feel as if I’ve earned
    But why should you care
    Since you don’t play fair
    Another day passes
    But your feelings never surpasses
    What it was the earlier
    Making my heart even heavier
    But it isn’t even your fault
    For locking my heart in a vault
    So this is my burden to bear
    And one that I can not share
    Another day goes by
    And another guy by your side
    Yet still here I solemnly abide
    Hoping you don’t notice how much I cry

    Each time there is another guy
    I wish that could be me
    And I was the only one you see
    But why should I even try

    For who am I compared to Brandon
    Or Alec and Zach
    I just cant keep my feeling in track
    I might as abandon

    All of my feelings
    And try for another
    Just as you go to another
    For our feelings have already reached the ceiling

    I wish I could be them
    And hold you close
    Watch how our feelings grows
    For you are the greatest gem

    These feelings are to strong
    But you shouldn’t care
    For I’ll never be like they are
    Yet I shall always go along

    And act like I am fine
    But slowly die inside
    And I will keep on hide
    My tears as the sun no longer shines

    Just go for the next one
    And I will be here
    With all my tears
    That will never be done
    I could fulfill your fantasy
    If only you would come with me
    But yet there you stand
    Refusing to just take my hand
    Denying me this one pleasure
    My love is one that none can measure
    But it means nothing if it is one sided
    Just simply being divided
    And not allowed to be free
    Because only I am the one who can see
    What it would become
    But slowly I must succumb
    To the poison of doubt in my mind
    Soon it will take over if you cannot find
    The passions that I so desire
    To allow for our love to soar so much higher
    But I guess it will stay dead on the ground
    Where I may never be found
    I could write you a melody
    And hope that you fall for me steadily
    I could say all the good
    And for all that you stood
    But I can’t change your mind
    Nor force you to find
    The feelings that I want to see
    One of only me
    But I am a mere man who can do little for you
    Except love you very true
    You wouldn’t have to look for any other guy
    But sadly love is something you can’t buy
    I could give you all that you want
    And you would never have to hunt
    For anything else in your life
    For it would be free of strife
    But alas my life shall never be complete
    I shall forever be obsolete
    Without you by my side
    But all these feelings I must hide

    It just can’t be fair
    Nor can it be right
    For having to share
    Your feelings every night

    But I can laugh it off
    Act like I’m fine
    Just stifle my emotions with a cough
    Look like everything is align

    Yet inside I am in pain
    Wishing I could hold you
    To help keep myself sain
    But there is nothing to do

    So I force a patient smile
    And keep the water back
    As my feelings silently hold trial
    Working to set me back on track

    But I can’t leave this feeling
    It is way too real
    So I just keep dealing
    My love, waiting for my next mental meal
    What a strange thing
    A dream can bring
    From one of running and fun
    To those of you burning in the sun
    But not all dreams on the same
    For you can’t just put them in a single frame
    And say this is
    How all dreams if his
    Will be every time
    And just toss it away like a worthless dime
    For dreams hold meaning to them
    Each one as important as a plant’s stem
    They can have many different meanings
    Depending on the beings
    So just because you have a dream so bad
    Doesn’t mean you should feel so sad
    And think that you will always have that dream
    But instead find a way to fix your seam
    So you can get the feelings gone
    And look forward cheerfully to the growing dawn
    For who can compare to the splendor
    Of the looks of one so tender
    One who is untouched by sin
    To angels this person must be akin
    For you can outshine any star
    And none can be the same as you are
    There is nothing I would love more
    Than to watch as our feelings soar
    Above the clouds so high
    Because you are the only girl in my eye
    Some go their whole life
    And put up with so much strife
    To find like you
    To make every single dream come true
    Yet the whole thing was for naught
    As with what all they fought
    For there can ever be one girl so perfect
    Because of all the hearts she could affect
    So let me hold you close
    And see where this feeling goes
    For I know something completely irrefutable
    Never have a seen a girl more beautiful
    Than you always do every day
    Forcing me to a lost of what to say
    Than to say I hope you see
    You are the girl for me
    Stranded with my mind again
    I have nothing but a page and a pen
    So many emotions a can’t start
    To write out the feelings in my heart
    The thoughts swirl around so fast
    I can’t even tell right now what I thought last
    But my hand starts to move
    Like it has something to prove
    The symbols flow letter by letter
    Into words that could never be better
    As I write, the thoughts grow
    But yet they also seem to slow
    And all the while they leave
    So far away I could not hope for them to retrieve
    Visions flow now in my mind
    My attention they hoping to find
    As I look down the vision is printed
    But through words that could only have hinted
    To what the feelings I had
    Over what could possible drive me this mad
    To create this thing with what I had
    Yet no one will ever know the feelings it hid
    Those words I then part
    For to others see it as a piece of art
    While to me it used to be a cage
    Yet all the while it was nothing but a white blank page
    The sun is shining for a new day
    Each drop coming down, ray by ray
    For the sight of you has casted away the night
    And with it any thoughts of fright
    To you I have to thank
    For now the world does not seem as blank
    Now I can see everything so clear
    Yet the only thing I can see is so near
    The image being one of perfection
    But as I look closer for inspection
    I realize that it is you
    Someone who can make every dream come true
    A person who I can spend a life by
    The girl that will make me a better guy
    The one who I may just love
    Until the day I am called above
    But right now you are just a friend
    A relationship that I have tend
    One that I hope to grow like fire
    For all others to admire
    But before that there is something to be done
    Because girl, I hope that you are the one
    I can feel my heart bumping
    As my pulse starts jumping
    Down on one knee, I hope you see
    My hand extended and me say, will you go out with me?
    I can still hear your voice
    Just like you were just with me
    Yet I can’t do anything, for it was your choice
    I just wish I could hold you so desperately

    One more night is all I want
    To see your smile
    And your image to no longer haunt
    me crying all the while

    I can still feel your hand
    Folded in line with mine
    Leaning to feel your lips land
    directly on mine, tingling my spine

    But then I open my eyes
    And I see my hell
    Again my heart dies
    As I stay trapped in my own cell

    Every day is dark as night
    Without you by my side
    I can no longer feel the light
    But it doesn’t matter how hard I fight

    You are gone
    And i am alone
    From dusk to dawn
    Feeling my heart turn to stone

    That is how it will stay
    Yet there is one thing on my mind
    All the words I did not say
    For I knew that your love you could not find

    Goodbye, forever to never see
    For your decision to leave
    And leave me here sadly
    As my heart I try to retrieve
    Last edited by ItsGettingMessi; 12-07-2013 at 09:07 PM.

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