It’s been 5 years since the plague hit the U.S; it first started in New York. We never knew that this would happen, no one ever seen this coming. I read in the paper that some woman just started attacking a random man off the street. No one knew why, but she had bright red eyes, black gums, and covered in blood. We thought once she was dead everything was over……..boy was I wrong, my name is Sam and this is my story.
It was a nice Saturday afternoon; everything was just like always kids playing in the park while parents have small talk. I use to love walking through the park to go to Joe’s the local coffee shop of Albany, New York. The only true reason I used to go there was because I knew my neighbor Amanda would always be there in the late morning. So I would try to catch her there just to make small talk; I first met Amanda two years ago when she first moved in down the hall, I knew she was something special so I’ve been close with her for some time. Well after I met up with Amanda I went to the gym to meet my friend Chris, the guy I’ve known since High school. So when we were done working out we went to my place to chill and play some video games.
Several hours later, we decided to go for a run, it was only around six or seven O’ clock. So we got into our running gear and went through the door. When we got outside it was just like any normal day, but there was something different
“That’s weird” Chris whispered.
“What is?” I asked.
“Usually this place is still busy (referring to the park across the street) but no one is out or anything.”
“Well I’m sure there is something big going on in town.”
Chris stood there thinking about what I just said and was like.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’re right.”
So we go for our run, it must’ve been a good twenty minutes before we finally seen someone.
“Whoa, what’s with that guy over there?”
I looked over towards an ally and seen the man doing what it seemed to be eating, I wasn’t sure what it was so I suggested we check it out and so Chris and I made our way there.
“What in god’s name!?!” Chris yelled “It looks like he is eating a woman.”
The man snapped around to see me and Chris and opened his mouth only for us to hear a high-pitched screech come from him. He was charging at us so we began to run like crazy, we went four blocks down and turned to the right and ducked in an ally. He ran right by us, we were so relieve……but then we heard something, I looked up to see this oddly looking think on the wall and it turned out that it was a person that had extra limbs made of bone to hold itself up.
I whispered to Chris “we got to get outta here …….now.”
Chris nodded at me and held up three fingers and dropped them one by one. When the last finger dropped we ran like there was no tomorrow. For some reason the creature didn’t follow us and giving us the opportunity to get to my apartment.
We finally reached the apartment only to see five other creatures outside looking for “fresh” meat. I swear we waited for like three hours, but it was only a few minutes. When they finally moved on we ran inside, we didn’t see anyone there and we weren’t going to look. We end the building very slowly and quietly, making sure we don’t cause anything to bring the monsters back to us.
“What was that thing and what happened to that guy Chris?” I said with fear in my voice.
“I have no clue man, it seems like something you’d see in a zombie movie, but there is nothing like what we seen in the ally.”
“This is really freaking me out bro, like no lie. We haven’t found anyone that is ‘alive’ only the dead and mutations.”
“Yeah, I have noticed. I’m sure there is someone out there……hopefully.