Hey guys i thought maybe i should post this cause it seems to get people interested when i speak of this game. It's basically A World War game you choose any country that is avaliable there is the world map and a shorter version.

Its a free browser game is no downloading required if you guys want to start our own game. For a little fc game i think this would be cool. I have this for my other clan and its really fun.

Its a RTS game for those who do not know what that is Real Time Strategy Game. It really cool there's a tutorial for you to get into thing's.

The reason why i posted was because it seems that i might have gotten raz to play i know he tried it out and many other friends i told, seemed interested so if you want to make a server or just try the game here is the LINK

Ps if want to play it let me know and post here about you wanting to make a server.