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    Forerunner of Fire and Divinity PhoenixPrime's Avatar
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    The Uprising Begins

    Today, former Colonel James Anderson of the Royal Enforcers Deployment Division announced to the free galaxy his intent to commandeer Spartan forces from both the Empire and the Brotherhood. According to most sources, the losses sustained during the Battle of Earth in the Third Reclamation War forced the Colonel to consider other options for humanity's future. Believe Spartans to have the power to end the wars between the Empire and the Brotherhood, as they were organized into fully operational battlegroups, the Colonel began talks with both Brotherhood and Imperial Spartan leaders using smart AI to coordinate covert transmissions and to ID potential defectors. According to Imperial Intelligence, who had been unable to monitor the Colonel's activity until recently, the talks took place over months and months of conflict, and had targeted leaders who showed initiative beyond their training.

    Effectively, over 15,000 Spartan warriors have defected from both sides, taking with them several fleet assets (stolen with the aid of over 70 smart AI networks and brute force via mutiny on board the vessels).

    This was the Colonel's statement:

    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel James Anderson

    Citizens of humanity,

    Long have our race suffered under brutal wars and fierce propaganda machines. Our homeworld was just recently subject to brutal bombardment and siege. I do not blame the forces fighting these wars, but the factions and leaders that have arranged to continue them. Decades after our wars with the Covenant, we are still no closer to bettering them technologically than we were in that war. Humanity, while free from the xenocidal desires of the Covenant client races, is still not free from ourselves.

    We are torn between the absolute will of a corrupt Emperor and the fanatical ideals of a rebellion that long ago lost its cause.

    And with a resolute purpose, I have called upon those with the strength to resist both of these malevolent forces. Spartans, bred for war, are now being called upon to serve humanity's interest. Decades ago, Spartans were trained as children for the purpose of serving humanity's interest in a time of little hope. Now, Spartans are made from adults, from people who choose their purpose. These Spartans have declared an intent for a better future, one without the destruction of total war.
    The following record of ships are the first report of stolen craft from the Empire and the Brotherhood.

    11 Trajan-Class Command Ship

    11 Octavian-Class Assault Carriers

    14 Constantine-Class Battleships

    57 Maximus-Class Battlecruisers

    84 Remus-Class Assault Frigates

    30 Leonidas-Class Gunboats

    225 Archemedes-Class Interceptors

    300 Broadsword-Class Interceptors

    1575 Sabre-Class Interceptors

    1179 Longsword-Class Interceptors

    83 Zeno-Class Blockade Runners

    69 Aristotle-Class Destroyers

    27 Proclus-Class Stealth Prowlers X 27

    5 Athena-Class Fighter Carriers (Broadsword Compliment)

    7 Athena-Class Fighter Carriers (Sabre Compliment)

    35 Plato-Class Stealth Corvettes

    44 Infinity-Class Battleships

    *Each ship contains a full compliment of Spartan and naval crew, and full ground combat assets*

    It seems that the Empire and Brotherhood will have to temporarily put aside their differences in order to defeat the Spartan Uprising, and preserve their own governments. Spartan forces have begun their initial invasions, attacking several planets of key importance to both factions.

    It will be up to the secondary forces of both factions to take down these independent Spartans...

    The Spartan Uprising Lore Event has begun. If you want to continue to support your faction, join the FC RP and ask to be added to the RP groups on skype. Defend your home, your faction, and all that you've fought for in the last war.
    Last edited by PhoenixPrime; 12-16-2013 at 01:15 PM.

    "You must begin by gaining power over yourself; then another; then a group, an order, a world, a species, a group of species; finally, the galaxy itself."

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