Update 8.4
~You can't say civilization doesn't advance... In every war they kill you in a new way~

At 14:00, three days after the initial insurgent attack on Ragnarok, imperial assault force "Marauder" led by Major Barry DeMott aided by stationed "Bellator" squad defended the Ragnarok Headquarters successfully, ousting the insurgent battle group "Animus" while minimizing casualties to the defending "Bellator" squad. Lieutenant Tanner Gordon could be seen rallying his unit to support Marauder team that had came to aid them.

~REDD Sergeant Ethan Geisler using a Z-90 Photonic Coalescence Emitter to defend against a rebel insurgent flying a covenant Banshee, a relic of the human-covenant war~

In an effort to cleanse imperial soil of rebel forces, REDD's group of elite marksmen, "Legacy", was dispatched to brotherhood station "Guardian", a fort once held by the empire renowned for it's strategic guarding of REDD's home sectors. The United Exiles awaited with General Guzman in command of the fortress, with defenses manned by infamous brotherhood unit "Violent by Design", known for their violent style of fighting.

Only a few skirmishes at the fort have taken place, but after brotherhood forces intercepted what is believed to be an imperial transmission (see below), the United Exiles leadership has classified defending Guardian as "High priority". Though the reason is unknown, the intercepted transmission has put all brotherhood forces on high alert.

~Brotherhood forces intercepted the above transmission, causing the brotherhood to prepare for all out war~

Responding to this, BLUE forces led by Colonel Barry S. have been seen preparing for conflict in the frontline defense base "Warlock". This is presumed to be a preparation to assault REDD's frontline "SafeHaven", a fort used to house victims of the skirmishes across the border, and one of few retreat paths for brotherhood forces landlocked at "Guardian".

The Imperial Council has taken insurgent aggression as an act of war, and declared that the Brotherhood Legion of United Exiles will be obliterated by the Royal Enforcer Deployment Division at any cost necessary. Imperial General Kyle Zinsser ordered the activation of an elite squad of Spartan class units to fend off the Impending BLUE Invasion.

~Spartan forces participating in WARGAMES on Haven to prepare for the brotherhood attack~
~From left to right: Isaac 039, Wolfpack 529, Keiichi 047, Victor 101, and James 005 (leading the simulation)~

When asked about the conflicts and BLUE's previous defeat, brotherhood General Punctual stated "I have never advocated war except as a means of peace. For our own sake and the sake of the universe, we will now fight against all that is evil within the Emperor. Conquered, we will now conquer."


Tomorrow (Sunday) begins the first battle night of the fifth Halo 4 war. As always, battles will be at 6PM EST, and the BLUE and REDD armies will be facing off in an epic battle. This very well could be the last war of Halo 4, and we here at War Council want it to be a great one. However, that requires something, something we can't do. That requirement, is you.

Last war had issues with numbers, and we don't want this war to be that way. The best wars in FC's history had high numbers in both armies, and we want to recreate the activity we once had. As said before, that requires some effort from you.

Recruiting is one thing, it helps, but with battles beginning tomorrow, we simply ask you remember to be on, ready to go, before 6PM EST. Every person counts and contributes to the war we so desperately want to succeed. Your contribution does matter, and it means more to us than you'll ever know.

So remind your squadmates, and remind yourself, to be on tomorrow for the first battle night and as many others as you can attend. We assuredly will have fun, and we want as many people to enjoy the wars with us.

Battle Night Challenges

Without getting too in depth, battle night challenges have been revived! Feel free to see the details of this week's challenges here:


Da Rules

This war's iteration of the Accords has been completed by Mythonian and can be seen here:


As always, if you have any suggestions, comments, issues, or just want to have a talk, feel free to PM myself, Mythonian, or any other War Council member. Enjoy the wars, and please help contribute by enjoying them with us.