First of all, let me start by saying, I can't believe It's been about 8 years since I joined FC and I'm still here

Obviously there's a lot of new faces that don't know me so if you want to get to know me a little you can head over to the "Introductions" forum and check me out. Otherwise, I'll summarize. I joined back in '07 with the Blue army. I pretty much stayed there until I just didn't have time to play anymore. The highest rank I achieved was 5-Star General back in the day. I did help write the original accords and what you guys now have as a troop system I believe. I used to be the War-Map guy and it used to actually look cool . I did do most of the image work for mostly all of the website skins, including the navigation bar. Now, I'm just a random guy that pops in every now and then to see if anything catches my eye.

Some of my bit more personal life; I'm a low-key graphic designer, so don't tell anybody. I've mostly become, however, a Christian musician/singer. I really love music.

Most people that don't know me more personally will not know this obviously, but for the last six months I've been battling cancer and it really has put a halt on a lot of my life, and for the last few months I've just been looking for a way to manage my time.

The real reason I write this is not for pity or to be known, it's mostly cause I have a lot of time

Honestly, FC gave me some of the best times and experiences of my life and it was fun that I wouldn't trade for anything else. Some great friends were made thanks to this community and I know that it can continue to be like that for so many people here and the more to come. Now, I don't really know how well the halo is doing but I'm sure FC can continue to thrive as the best Halo community there's ever been.

So with that said, if there's anything you guys want from me, I really do have a lot of time on my hands
If what you guys need is some sort of graphic, I'll do it. Some sort of advice, I'll do it. Any help on the website or anything at all, I'm your guy

I like writing stories a lot, so maybe look for something of mine soon in the writing section.

I also made this sig/tag earlier, If anybody wants to own it I can edit the text for you.

Original Stock:
