The big problem that we've always had with having a war-sim on another game, is that no game is as versatile as the HALO Franchise, with the custom maps and gametypes, the 16 player lobbies, and connection speeds, and the biggest thing is that 99.99% of people who own an XBOX own HALO. Not everyone that plays HALO likes Call of Duty, but I can assure you many people that have Call of Duty also have HALO, whether they say one is better than the other is their own opinion, but in the end, HALO is always the go-to game on the Xbox. MW3 and Battlefield 3 may be TERRIFIC games, but you'd literally have to have a completely different community for each game, because most of the time, hardcore COD lovers don't even want to associate with Halo fanboys. By all means...anyone can create their own warsim on any game from scratch (you'd also have to recruits hundreds of new people), and it has potential of being fun and great and all...but for THIS community, it'll have to always keep HALO as it's main focus.

Also, you'd have to change the name of the community lol, cause there are no Forerunners in anything but Halo :P