September 9th,,2012 0800 Hours Vermilion,OH

Tyler’s phone buzzed to life next to his head, he propped his chin on his pillow and through blurry eyes picked up his phone and answered it.

“Hello?” He asked confused as to why he was getting a call from Ridley so early on a Sunday morning.

“Tyler you have to get up and look at the news.Some crazy shit is going on all across the country and Chief wants as at the Barracks ASAP.” Ridley said quickly with the sounds of him grabbing things here and there.

“Alright, I’ll be there.” Tyler said hanging up. He sighed as he wiped the sleep from his eyes and grabbed for his TV remote on his night-stand. He found it and pushed the ON button. His TV flashed to life and he typed in 03. The news came up with images of fires, crashed, and turned over cars. Then came images of entire crowds of people being charged by another crowd of people and as the camera zoomed Tyler could see the crowd charging the crowds start eating them. He squinted his eyes to make sure he was actually seeing it take place and the new station cut off and a Federal Warning came on.

“Kels. Babe. Kelsey!”

“Wha. What?” She asked rolling over to look at him.

“Listen to me get up and grab some things you want to take with you, we are leaving.” He said as he went to his closet to grab his camo militia uniform.

“Why?!” She asked until her gaze caught the TV and she jumped from bed to do as she was told.

The two met in the garage and Kelsey dumped the things she wanted to take with them into the trunk of Tyler’s Mustang. He opened the garage door and backed out. The Barracks was in-town a 10 minute drive from where they lived. As the Mustang roared down the streets, the two saw the chaos that surrounded them get worse and worse. Dead bodies littered yards and Tyler had to swerve around flipped over cars, and they watched as a corpse came back to life and started chasing a family as they tried to get in their vehicle.

They pulled into the Barracks parking lot and the gate fence closed. The two got out and Tyler told Kelsey to go waiting in his room in the Barracks. Tyler headed to the main locker room to grab the rest of his gear and weapons. As he walked into the locker room the rest of his team was waiting for him along with Chief Jacob Hogg. Tyler quickly saluted him, and the salute was returned before he opened his locker to grab his G36c Assault Rifle, his USP.45, his helmet and com-system, his ammo vest and ammo. As he slid his helmet on he also grabbed body armor from a shelf in the back of the locker room. Finally he made sure each magazine pouch was loaded with a magazine.

“Now that all of you are here, we need to discuss our communication problem. We have contact with everyone within town, but outside of town everything is dark. I want you guys to pave a way for a group of technicians that came to us a few hours ago. They think they can fix the problem with an old sat-dish sitting on the other side of town. As far as we know these things we are facing, are.... zombies. How the hell this “infection” started I don’t know, all I know is that they are killing massive amounts of people which is only adding to their numbers. Kaiser Team has already been dispatched to round up as many civilians as possible and bring them here. Once those techies get to the dish, I want you guys to set up a perimeter around them and hold those rotting bags of flesh off until Kaiser can punch back through to you.

‘We are going to try and contact the Coast Guard base in Cleveland and try and get some answers and some aid. This is very important to our survival so don’t let me down.” Chief Hogg said.

“Yes, sir!” Roared through the Barracks as Chief Hogg left the Reaper locker room.

“Reaper I want a Humvee loaded up and ready to go out by 0930. We leave at 0935.” Tyler said as he looked at each and everyone of the militia soldiers under him. Tyler headed to his room and when he go their found Kelsey glued to the TV screen a small news station in Vermilion had setup a signal and they were reporting what was going on.

“Kels listen, the Chief wants me to take Reaper and go defend the setting up of a sat-dish that might grant us connection with the US military.”

Her eyes shot up to him, “don’t try and do anything stupid. From what I’ve been watching these things travel in packs and storm in packs. So don’t get yourself into an enclosed area.” Kelsey got up and wrapped her arms around him.

“I love you,” she said and kissed him.

“I love you too.” He said back as they pulled away. “I’m coming, back to get you. So don’t worry about me, and it looks like Echo Team and Charlie Team and staying back to defend the entire Barracks which means you will be safe.” He said as he back away towards the door. As he turned out he pulled his engagement ring off and put secured it on the beaded string his tags were on.

He walked into the parking lot to see Reaper finishing the loading up of the Humvee. The trunk has two crates of ammo in it. They had even added a make-shift .30 cal turret on top of the Humvee.

“So it looks like all of that 2012 bullshit is coming true now...” James Delurous said.

“James.” Ridley Crawford said.

“Ya?” James replied.

“Shut the fuck up.” Tyler said finishing it as he walked over and grabbed the keys from James’s hand. Cody Shaer and Jeff Dasilva laughed in the background.

“What else needs to be loaded?” Tyler asked.

“We could use a few more medical supplies.” Cody said looking over the things he had put into the humvee’s trunk and the bag he had strapped to his back.

“Get them. God knows what the hell we are going to be seeing out there.” Tyler said as he loaded his rifle.