Guess who's bak!!?
So.. How has everyone been since I left when the dinosaurs where still walking? Although I was only here for like 2 weeks last time..
Most of you dont know me, I'm Lightning.. yes I'm a girl. Name's Amanda.
Those of you who might remember me at all from years ago probablly remember that I never said "Boo!!" to anyone even if you asked me to because I was sooo shy..
Not anymore.. you get me going at all and I might not shut my mouth for a few days.
I am HORRIBLE at Halo Reach. JokerJerry can vouch for that.. But like he says, who knows when a good destraction or cannon fodder will be needed.
Another thing, give me respect and I'll give it right back, and I'm up for constuctive criticism.

Thats's enough about me.. want to know more then that? TOO BAD!! lol. Just playin... I need friends who play Halo.. I get lonely... ='('' ADD ME PLX!!!!!?