Quote Originally Posted by EAGLE View Post
I love how I only got 500 vCash for knowing all of the characters.... Only had to look up Carter and Serena! I couldn't decode anything due to me not being able to download programs to do it! Always Myth I had some fun in racking my brain for the back story behind the characters from the movies and TV series. To all the haters! You all suck, Myth got back at you for all the times you called him Skynet. Which came from when REDD thought he was hell bent on screwing with the maps to make sure BLUE would win. You can dish it out, but you can't take it!
The point of it wasn't to know the backstory of the characters, which was why you only got a small amount. Also, you don't need to download anything to do conversions like that. In fact, I used this single website for all of it. A simple Google search would have brought it up.
Quote Originally Posted by Hazy View Post
Myth you forget that we can't understand your native language of binary (Such a cliche' for the robot thing, but I had to do it. Could NOT resist.) Well good to know your fair knowledge of cryptic message training. Really, it's comforting bro. Almost forgot, call me crazy: But I really liked the binary infested banner. Gave it some heir of grit is was missing before.
Well, I didn't just use binary. I also used Morse code, octal (which no one figured out) and hexadecimal. I was considering numerous others as well, but decided against it when I realized that no one was able to figure it out. lol

Glad to see someone liked the banner, because the WC sure didn't... xD
Quote Originally Posted by GhostHammer View Post
Nicely done Myth. Next time maybe give us Admins a heads up though. Other than thatm brilliantly pulled off. Ignore the people complaining, obviously they're lack of relaxed nature and ability to delete PM's shows their true colors. Very well done in planning and execution, pulled off like a pro!
I had wanted you guys to participate as well instead of knowing it beforehand, which is why I left you in the dark. Raz and Max knew, though.