Quote Originally Posted by Silko View Post
Wow this is fucken stupid. First off all taking away the bloom on the DMR is retarded. It takes away the skill with it making it a point and shoot wep and not a precision based one. There was bloom on the AR however so to say all bloom is gone is a false statement

Second bleedthrough????? When this game was coming out Bungie had stated many times that the bleedthrough is gone and it made sense. You have a shield, so you shouldn't take any dmg until its gone (Sniper and other power weps exempted of course). That is to me at least one of the key things that makes Reach better then Halo 3. Its harder to kill someone in Reach then it is in Halo.

Great fucken job 343 you fucked up big time on two major things and the only positive thing I saw on both the video and this list is you gave the nades more bounce(woopy fucken do) and you nerfed Armor lock.

Over all I give you a 35% 343 a big fat F

what cCrisis said @#1, the bloom in reach right now rewards luck more than skill.

and yeah, i don't really like their call on adding bleedthrough.

also, everyone will have to relearn grenades, and armor lock is useless.

don't fix what's not broken.