Quote Originally Posted by bazongaman502 View Post
@cCrisis.... just think about this...

a US Army sniper is about to shoot his target in the head between the eyes (the perfect shot).... he pulls the trigger... now does the bullet go right where he wanted it? no, its going to be a little to the side, or a little high or a little low (this is also depending on distance from the target)... its kinda what bloom is.... not every shot is going to be 100% accurate....

heres another example...

a US Army Sniper is about to shoot a target board thats about 200 yards away.... he scopes in and the crosshairs are on the center of the target... he rapidly pulls the trigger... did all bullets hits the board? Chances are not... even if he did, they are scattered around pn the board, never on the same spot...

This is exactly why i like bloom and Battlefield lol
That doesn't apply mainly because you never shoot those distances in Reach, plus you are a super human soldier. Another thing is that so many years in the future I think they would design weapons to have less recoil.

Either way however your point does get across pretty well.