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    World War Three RPG

    Well the response was overwhelming in favor of a WWIII RPG so here it is!


    1. Your character may be yourself or a created person, but be realistic.

    2. No "famous" or "fake" characters. So no Duke Nukem's or Obama's running around please! :P

    3. Your "kit" can be whatever you'd like it to be WITHIN REASON. Sorry, you may not have a flamethrower on the bottom of your M4 or ODST Drop Pods. In terms of what is in service, I'll make it easy. If it's been in a Ghost Recon game, Call of Duty game, Battlefield game, etc. then it may be used in this RPG. In a major war like this, I'm sure all nations would use everything they had.

    4. You may fight for whoever you want, where ever you want, so long as it is within an APPROVED conflict zone. (This is simply to ensure things are relatively close together and we're not all spread across the globe.)

    5. Your character may be apart of ANY branch of ANY military forces involved. Airforce, Army, Marines, Navy, whatever you choose!

    6. You may not kill off someone's RPG character without their EXPRESS PERMISSION. Encounters are allowed of course, but if you start shooting at that person (Should they be an enemy) be sure to remember you leave the end result open so the characters writer can determine what happened.

    7. Please stay on topic. If you need to clarify/discuss/provide info on something, please do it at the top of your post in a quote box or some other way of separating it from your character section so we can all see it better.

    RPG Details:

    Date: August 27 2016 / August 28 2016 (Depending on location)
    Active Battle Locations & Faction Information

    - New York / Russian Fleet Front
    --American Commander: General Wolfe / Russian Commander: Admiral Volstag
    --- Theater: Russian battle fleet invades NY with air support and airborne paratroopers.

    - Florida / Cuban Front
    -- American Commander: Major General Harrison / Cuba Commander: Admiral Espadno
    --- Theater: Cuban forces invading Florida with air support.

    - French-German / Russian Front
    -- AEA Commander: Major General DuGalle / Commandant Markoff
    --- Theater: Russian forces pushing hard with heavy armor support into AEA territoy.

    - Indian / China Front
    -- Indian Commander: General Lehal / Chinese Commander: General Tse
    --- Theater: Indian forces in dire straights, seeking help from AEA SF training citizens to repel Chinese.


    Back Story

    Late into the year 2012, Iranian nuclear scientists successfully created and tested the country's first nuclear weapon amidst major dispute among countries worldwide. Feeling immediately threatened by this motion, a newly elected president of Israel attacks Iran in self preservation. Not long into the conflict, both countries turn to nuclear methods and wipe each other off the planet. The void of power left has Middle Eastern nations scrambling to attain control of the region and war breaks out, thrusting the middle eastern region into chaos, old coalition powers abandoning the region due to increased tensions over failed UN policies over the now destroyed Israel and Iran.

    Early 2013, the Mexican President is assassinated by a major drug syndicate due to his major push for a war on drugs. Leaderless, Mexican drug lords begin to fight for territory throwing the entire peninsula stretching to Columbia and Brazil into major unrest as governments collapse to the now unchecked drug lords. By Late 2013, most of South America has become a wild west, with the Americans carefully watching their border to the south. During this time, China moves into parts of the middle east, claiming territory, as well as signing a treaty with Russia, an alliance based on blaming the west for failed negotiations that have now put the majority of the world in a serious oil drought.

    As 2014 turns into the spring months, African famine and genocides increase in certain regions but go unchecked, as major world powers find themselves quarreling about age old problems that have festered over years of coexistence, fueled by the lack of oil which is now crippling parts of North America and Europe as Russia and China block shipments of oil to non Russo-Asiatic treaty members. North Korea, taking the opportunity, begins to build forces to take South Korea in the coming year. Cuba, in a protest to the United States and in need of oil, signs into the treaty with China and Russia, followed soon after by North Korea, thus creating an unbalance of power rising in the east and a serious lack of oil for Europe and the Americans.

    2015. Canada finds massive oil reserves in their arctic north and pledge their allegiance to the U.S. alongside the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. The major divisions of these superpowers comes to a head when both Russia and China leave the UN, followed soon after by the U.S. and Britain thus ending the United Nations after years of service. In need of resources to fuel their military, China invades south towards India. Japan objects, but after a series of calculated strikes, China quickly takes Japan and pushes south into the Philippines. The U.S. demand litigation, but with the Russo-Asiatic treaty refusing to talk, war appears to be imminent.

    The year is 2016. As China pushes across Indian borders and moves down the Philippines towards Australia who recently joined the American-Euro Alliance (AEA) the U.S. declares war upon China, supported by the entirety of the AEA. In response, Russia, North Korea, and Cuba declare war upon the AEA in defense of their ally and the two sides, the American-Euro Alliance and the Russo-Asiatic Treaty enter into the third world war. Dozens of countries stand in the middle, praying for a quick end to hostilities while the nuclear wastelands of the Middle East still rage with unchecked terrorist groups and shattered governments alike. One thing is for certain, no one dares touch their nuclear arsenal out of fear, for a nuclear holocaust will ensue.

    Here is a map of the current world in 2016. Please note, if there are no black lines, then whatever color shown is now that country. As such, Russia and China have both expanded their territories considerably over the past few years in their war efforts.

    As per tradition, I will start us off.

    JTF2 Lieutenant Cody ran a finger down the deep jagged scar that ran along his temple to jaw, sweat beading on his shaved head as the V-22 Osprey banked hard right. Every operator under his command grabbed onto the handrails as the massive aircraft shuddered, the pair of turbine engines roaring as the pilot brought the aircraft level once again. Pulling his helmet onto his head and securing the chinstrap, Cody couldn't help but wander towards the past few years. Joining the Canadian Army fresh out of high school, he had quickly excelled during Officer Training School and was given command of a platoon assigned to peacekeeping missions in the Congo where he had his first combat. Loosing few men during the 9 brutal months in the jungle, he returned home to medals and a promotion. It didn't take long before JTF2 had come knocking.

    Little known to the outside world, JTF2 had long been one of the world's best Special Forces units over the past few decades, often working hand in hand with DEVGRU and SAS in both Iraq and Afghanistan. So naturally, when they came calling, Cody jumped at the chance to join them. A month later after a grueling indoctrination, he was accepted and became the leader of his own unit at a fresh 25, a very young age for any special forces operator let alone team leader. A couple years of service in counter terrorism, and next thing he knew, he was in the middle of WWIII.

    The pilots voice over his headset brought him back to present, static washing over the channel as the Osprey slowed to a hover. "Alright Lieutenant, we're at the drop zone. 30 Seconds till ramp down."
    Cody stood and checked his rifle, the MK18 reassuring in his experienced hands. A cut-down CQB version of the standard M4, it was much more maneuverable and lightweight than it's longer counterpart which would be an essential asset where he was going. Satisfied his weapon was in chec, he keyed his team COM and addressed the three other JTF2 Operative who sat across from him, each cradling their weapons, all staring blankly at him. "Alright boys, you know the drill. This is our first action in WWIII, but not our first time together in combat. Let's get it done."
    The Operators yelled a "Oo-rah" over the roaring engines as the Osprey touched down, ramp slowly opening allowing a blinding light of an early sunrise to flash into the cargo bay.
    Last edited by GhostHammer; 07-04-2017 at 12:44 AM.

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