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Thread: FC Update 5.2

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    FC Update 5.2

    FC Update 5.2

    This week we will be discussing a new community hierarchy system in the works, why some maps suck, the community's voice and your role, and the understanding of what made Forerunner Conflict unique to begin with! I feel some people are out of touch.

    The New War-Council

    Yes, that is right. A new war-council is already starting to take shape. No one that is an enlisted even knows about it, and for the most part most of you don't give a damn. But, if you do care who is calling the shots around here currently, let me enlighten you on the soon to be leaders of the community itself.

    Currently, there are 5 members in the War-Council that have an official vote on community wide decisions. They are: Your's Truly, the Forerunners, (SpartanBH and EriRi1138) and the Field Marshals (Kuhblam and Mythonian). In addition, all High Command members can view the war-council and post opinions, as well as the war-director and webmaster. However, I recently realized that there is a flaw to this system.

    We are already starting to change that. Soon in the near future, I will be removing the Forerunners from their position, and they will be placed in a new user-group. I will go into detail more later in this update about that new user-group. The new War council will be the following:

    Founder: RaZ Vader
    Field Marshal: Mythonian
    Field Marshal: Kuhblam
    General: FuzzyStormz
    General: MaxDoggy
    Notice that we will keep only 5 people with official votes, and none will trump the other in votes. I myself will take a back seat role, and will settle any split decisions among the 2 Field Marshals and Generals. In addition, all of High Command will remain to see the War-Council forums, and give input to help make decisions for these 5 individuals in the war-council. Essentially, the Faction's leaders will control the community. Why?

    Well, I remember when I founded this community with SpartanBH and realized that it worked so well because we were also leading a faction. So it should return to that. The faction leaders should also be community leaders because that is what our community is based off of: THE FACTIONS. So it makes sense to put them back at the top where they belong, and not have a bunch of neutral guys that have lost connection with the community. (myself included)

    So why am I apart of the War-Council? Well.. Someone has to be neutral to help balance things out. Once I retire, I will nominate someone to take that spot, and probably return the Forerunner Rank to that person. Anyway, how does this affect you? The regular faction member/community member.

    Your Role

    Simple. Continue to suggest ideas, changes, and concerns to your higher ups. Don't ever be afraid to post in the suggestions forum and state an idea or suggestion. As long as its in a respectful post, the War-Council will read it extensively and acknowledge it.

    We do utilize the chain of command in your faction. But if you think that the idea will not be passed on properly, you may also contact a war-council member directly via Private Message or Xbox Live. They will always get back to you. We hear you, and I hope that the new war-council will be more beneficial for everyone, and have things run better then before.

    Community Ranks/Faction Ranks and a new usergroup

    Earlier I discussed that we will soon remove the Forerunner Rank, and create a new rank for unique and highly respected members of the community. (Yes, even higher then a respected member)

    Community Ranks and Faction ranks are similar in a lot of ways. Community ranks are usually the ones that do a lot of the work behind the curtains, and even join up a faction and have a faction rank. For Example, the Field Marshal is a Faction rank, but it is also a community rank too. (not trying to confuse you guys, but it will soon make sense soon) Now, back to the new rank.

    We will be adding the rank of "PRECURSOR" into the mix of community ranks.

    (image subject to change)

    Precursor: A Member nominated by the Founder/Forerunner or fellow precursors. This is a member that has been with the community for 3+ Years and has held a high leadership role in the past. Has high experience in the War-Sim community, but does not hold an active war-council vote. They are able to be apart of any faction and hold an enlisted, and officer rank within a faction but remain unbiased and continue to influence the war council in the voting. They are able to view/post in the War Council, and able to sit in on War Council meetings and give opinions. The Precursor is an honorable rank to hold within the Forerunner Conflict Community. They are the "Elders" of Forerunner Conflict.

    So, that is the run down on that new rank. You will soon see a new color coded name added to the index, if you see or talk to one of these precursors, you should be honored by their shier presence and give them the most respect that one can give.

    With that said. Here is the list of community ranks:
    The Father(s) of the Forerunner Conflict. The Founder has established the Forerunner Conflict community on the basis of Fun and Respect. He continues to strive to be the neutral face of the war-council and be fair on making decisions. The Founder is responsible for the community's atmosphere and survival. He promotes, post updates, and works with the leaders of the community. He continues to help in all aspects of Forerunner Conflict where needed or requested of him.

    Field Marshal:
    In charge of a faction of the Forerunner Conflict. Not only is he in charge of managing his army, but also is in charge of discussing ideas, and making decisions for the Forerunner Conflict Community with the War-Council. A natural leader, the Field Marshal has been placed in his position by the Founder, or has been voted in by the Faction's soldiers. The Field Marshal is also the main Battle Coordinator on Battle Nights.

    Second in command of a faction, the general is placed by the Field Marshal. Is capable in of Field Marshal's responsibilities, and is the right hand man of the Field Marshal. Someone that is always reliable. The General also holds a vote in the War Council.

    High Command:
    Lt. Generals, Major Generals, and Brigadier Generals are all Leaders of a faction. Usually are tasked with individual duties by the Field Marshal, the High Command is essential to keep the faction running at its peak. They are able to view the war-council and state opinions, but do not hold a vote.

    War Director:
    The War Director is a neutral member. Is responsible for posting attack plans, posting battles results, and updating the battle map. He will work directly with the Field Marshals on Battle Nights to get up to date information on the battlefield. The War Director also views the war-council and states opinions, but does not hold a real vote.

    The webmaster is in charge of the Forerunner Conflict's website and forums at The webmaster has the right to change/alter the website at any time. Able to see the War-Council, but does not hold a real vote.

    Flag Officer:
    The Flag officer consists of the ranks Colonel- Major. Usually assigned a large unit to lead in a faction. Usually are appointed by the High Command. They are responsible in managing a unit, and getting soldiers ready for the battles on Sundays. They host skirmishes, practices and able to assist in boot camps. These members are respected for their actions, and continue to excel in leadership.

    These members usually lead a smaller unit for battle. Able to host practices with other faction units. They are usually appointed by the High Command. Officers are essential to the community. The work directly with the enlisted ranks, and make sure their soldiers are having fun and being respectable. Officers are role models for the enlisted.
    A Member nominated by the Founder/Forerunner or fellow precursors. This is a member that has been with the community for 3+ Years and has held a high leadership role in the past. Has high experience in the War-Sim community, but does not hold an active war-council vote. They are able to be apart of any faction and hold an enlisted, and officer rank within a faction but remain unbiased and continue to influence the war council in the voting. They are able to view/post in the War Council, and able to sit in on War Council meetings and give opinions. The Precursor is an honorable rank to hold within the Forerunner Conflict Community. They are the "Elders" of Forerunner Conflict.

    Respected Member:
    A member who is highly respected by the War-Council. Usually a long time friend of the community, or a member who retired from a faction. They do not partake in the battles, but are able to be apart of any other Forerunner Conflict event. Only the War-Council may nominate members to become respected.

    A Soldier of a faction. They range in ranks from Sergeant Major of the Army to Private. These members are the lifeblood of the community and usually partake in the battles. The higher your enlisted rank is usually displays your veteran status of the community. The Fight for the control of territories in the Halo Universe.

    That list will hopefully be displayed somewhere all to see, and hopefully you all understand what each roll generally will do, now to the stuff you guys care about!

    Your Concerns Answered

    I have been stalking the Forums and noticed a few things I wanted to address to everyone.

    "that map"

    The Map Metropolis will be removed from the War Map! Why? Oh, just because we thought and EVERYONE ELSE KNOWN TO MAN thought it was unbalanced and tipped in REDD's Favor. In its place we plan on using the map High Noon. But it is still being discussed by the War-Council. We hope to make it a 6v6, and play better then that Metropolis crap.

    "4v4 Return!"

    It seems a lot of people miss playing 4v4. Well. Oops. I guess we kinda took those maps out before asking lol. Why did we do that? Well we wanted to try something new. We thought since Forerunner Conflict is war-sim community to have more maps that a bigger. Our initial thought was that bigger battles = more war-sim feel. Meh, well now we may see the "flaw" in that. It may get boring at times, so we are gathering up resources we can, and trying to see how we can implement 4v4 battles to return, but make it so it doesn't change much of the war map. So stay tuned!

    "I want my voice to be heard."

    I can go on for hours. But I won't Basically some people feel that they don't matter. Well, we can't really help you unless you speak up. We want members of our establishment to have a fun and unique experience in FC. Upon you all joining, you all should have understood that we are different and trying new things. Some of these things may be out of your control, but we want to improve, and a part of improving is failing. We did a lot of that in Reach. We tried many things, and failed. But that what gives us experience. So I implore you to continue to share ideas, and contact a war council member (ie your leaders) for any suggestions you may have.

    "My Field Marshal. I WANTZ A NEW ONE"

    This really is not posted much anywhere, but I wanted to tell everyone that in future wars to come, the soldiers of the faction will have the opportunity to vote on the next Field Marshals. Back to the top of this update we decided to go back to our root roots. Firestorm was is preparation for this. To have the factions run the place again. We are starting to get back to what we did when we first founded this place, and how we got away from this in the first place, is beyond even my understanding.

    In closing, Forerunner Conflict is more about Fun and Respect. I will continue to beat this into your skulls. In Addition, we like to try new things to make our community more unique then the average community. We like to hear ideas from our community members, and try to utilize what the war-council feel is the best to experiment with.

    Last edited by RaZ Vader; 04-19-2012 at 09:45 PM.

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