Figured since there are a lot of people here that have no idea who I am, and since the few who do know me don't like me, I figured I may as well introduce myself.
I am Munkie, RetRdidMunkie (RetardedMonkey). I've been in FC since a little while after Halo 3 came out, and I have been in both armies and fought in a lot of wars. Some people understand my contributions, some seem to believe I have made no contributions.. Well fuckem.
I'm blunt and to the point, and give my honest opinion regardless of whether it is the popular opinion. Some respect that, some don't. Don't give a damn either way.
In case you haven't noticed I am a mod, have been for quite a while. I don't post often anymore, because I have been known to lose my temper easily, so I figure its better to just lurk quietly and watch all of you. As long as you play nice, I'll stay silent.
Now to the few who know me and don't hate me:
Eri: I love you
Juggs: my kid could whip ur kid
Max,Mede: Wassup
Yehsus: FUCK YOU
Blackhawk: there can only be one!
Spartan: I'll always be your mochabear
DoctorKnight(whatever the fuck you gt is now): I love ya bro
anyone I forgot: sorry. Its been too long, you know I have a shitty memory.