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  1. #1
    Senior Citizen Deathhawk's Avatar
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    Conversion for new vCash (No Hard Reset)

    Hey guys, so recently Myth announced in update 6.3 that when we change to the new vCash system that everyone will be reset to 1,000 vCash.

    Now, anybody who's invested into the old vCash system should be unhappy with this.
    Why should we lose all that vCash we earned?

    Well, in the topic Myth said this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythonian View Post
    If enough people are disgruntled, maybe let you convert a portion of your vCash to the new vCash? It'd be a low conversion rate, but it'd be something.
    So, here's my suggestion for the conversion rate.

    We originally received...
    2.0x our bet. (1:1 odds, bet 1,000 - make 2,000)

    The average successful bet will warrant...
    1.415x our bet. (see below)

    Assuming we bet on battles (1.5x return) 75% of the time vs sports/misc (1.33x return) 25% of the time...
    [We could actually figure this out based on vote totals, this is just a guess]

    (1.5x * .75) + (1.33x * .25) = 1.4575x


    The vCash we were making was 72.875% easier to earn.
    1.4575/2.0 = .72875

    So, I think we should keep 27% of our current vCash.

    Either that, or implement "tax brackets" so that everybody gets a reset, but there's still class distinction and you start higher if you had a large sum in the old system.

    NOTE: This would only apply to people with over 27,000 vCash. (Or whatever the rate would be times 1,000)
    If you had less than that you would just hit the 1,000 bar, because 27% of anything less would be under 1,000.
    Last edited by Deathhawk; 10-22-2012 at 12:59 AM.

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