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  1. #21
    Neutral DI Overseer
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    Re: It's that time for which everyone needs something new.

    Dragon Age 1 was awesome, but Dragon age 2 robbed the series of potential.

    Skyrim, Vampire still can not wrap her head around why a person with 1000+ hours and literally everything the game has to offer completed/cataloged and collected.. and STILL go on the game and run around exploring, hunting and pretending like he is a normal Nord until a dragon flies over head and then BAM. Full maxed out Legendary Deadric armor and a maxed out Legendary enchanted bow of death for a 1 shot 1 kill out of the sky.

    I fucking love Skyrim.

    But yeah onto that MassEffect topic.. The entire timeline of ME from start until the last hour of the entire series so far.The game is literally flawless until the end.. Now I know I seem like im bandwaggoning, but its personal taste and satisfaction that is in question.. If you play the entire game, including ALL DLC ( there is a fuckton of DLC ) and then just turn it off before you chose your colour, then you will end it satisfied in the game.

    That is all

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh, and the Multiplayer for ME3 was actually fucking great. Its basically a version of Horde from Gears of War but turned into something better.

  2. #22
    Founder of Forerunner Conflict
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    Re: It's that time for which everyone needs something new.

    If you want complete bang for your buck experience, then the Elder Scrolls/Fallout games are your BEST option in terms of replay value, length, and excitement. These are the games where there is always another way of doing something, and the gameplay is fantastic (especially in Skyrim). The #1 problem you'll have with these games is program bugs and alotting enough time to REALLY enjoy them. If you can't give yourself 3-4 hours a day (or like 20-25 a week) to play them, then I wouldn't recommend it because it's a game where once you play it, you want to keep playing it. You can't enjoy it if you're on a tight schedule.

    Battlefield 3 is probably your best Multiplayer-only bet. So many people have it, and there's always a different way you can play the game (stealth, full assault, vehicle warfare, sniper, etc). I would recommend getting the Premium edition for $40 where it comes with all 5 DLC packs, which would cost like $60 if you bought them all separate.

    Red Dead Redemption is another big bang for your buck experience. It has one of the best stories in a video game you'll ever play, very smooth gameplay (plays like GTA4, but nowhere near as clunky), so many different things you can do, a great expansion (Undead Nightmare), and it has an AMAZING multiplayer where you can posse up and explore the old west.

    Far Cry 3 and Tomb Raider are two newer games with amazing gameplay and story, but once you beat them, there is absolutely no replay value. But the experience is well worth the ride and cost. I would say Far Cry 3 would be a little more appealing judging by the games you've already played. There's a multiplayer to FC3, but it's nothing special.

    The Orange Box, which includes Half Life 2 (and 2 of it's expansions), Team Fortress 2, and Portal is a great bargain, ESPECIALLY for Portal. Portal 2 is a great game as well. If you like humor and puzzles, Portal is the way to go.

    I personally love Zombie video games, so I would highly recommend some cooperative games like Dead Island or Left 4 Dead 2 (since now you can buy all the old left 4 dead 1 maps as DLC on 2). Those are two great zombie games where you can play either by yourself or with people, but L4D2 is much more fun with people. Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is pretty fun on co-op, but I don't care much for the game itself.

    If you're looking for a legit scarey game, definitely go with the Dead Space series. Those games will make you poop your pants. Also I've heard the Metro series is pretty frightening, never played it though.

    If you wanna bring out the kid in you, definitely buy Sonic Generations. Probably the best Sonic the Hedgehog game since Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast. Plays like a charm and isn't shitty like the 1000000 other Sonics released between the two.

    If you're looking to get some XBL Arcade games, DEFINITELY go with Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I never heard anyone complain about that game ever. It's just an amazing RPG with great gameplay. Duke Nukem: 3D is a great and hilarious classic (it's an old-time FPS, like DOOM). Trials HD and Trials: Revolutions will keep you entertained for days as well.

    Gears of War, Borderlands and Mass Effect = Meh...if you're into it I guess. Gears 2 and 3 have pretty good multiplayers, but the story is shit. Borderlands has humor...das about it.

    Lastly, I would also highly recommend buying some original XBOX games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Republic Commando. They are backwards compatible on the 360.

    But yeah that's aboot all I got. Hopefully it adds some insight =D

    I created Hill 30

  3. #23

    Re: It's that time for which everyone needs something new.

    The Half Life games
    Team Fortress (2)
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