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Thread: G4N1S D4KHAMM3R

  1. #11

    Re: G4N1S D4KHAMM3R

    I've met you several times Ganis, but not officially on FC.

    I'm BurningScarekro, Commanding Officer of SCARECROW squad.

    As I told you yesterday, if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, feel free to send a message to myself or Andi. Or whoever else you end up meeting. Glad to have you aboard, buddy. ^__^

  2. #12

    Re: G4N1S D4KHAMM3R

    Goodness... I hadn't anticipated so many responses after so little time being on here... You guys keep active, surely! Let's see... Start at the beginning, I suppose!

    Bodaciousbaconn: Heh, hah! As I've come to learn, yes, indeed you all are, and it is a pleasure to meet you. Andimion? Murder?... Nah.... Nah, that don't sit right... **not-overly-convinced tone**. Hmm... If he's a robot... And plays Halo... Does that mean he uses an AimBot? Or, is he the AimBot itself? The political complications are staggering... Get on it, Congress. Priority one.

    Maxdoggy: Greetings! Awww, shucks, thanks! As I'm continuing to learn, pretty much everyone here is freaking awesome... You no less so! I hope we do as well! Heh, heh, heh, I once heard that a man is measured by the company he keeps... And the best way to get good company is to communicate AWESOMELY!... I do my best. Wooo, Michigan! I know, isn't it weird? I'm ready for straight spring, none of this intermittent snow-rain transition... What part of Michigan, anyway? Upper or lower? I live in the lower part myself... I like to think it's warmer, heh.

    VerbotenDonkey: Ahhh, I would love to, but as I am, my time is divied much already. If I didn't have Medical Terminology, I would take you up on that offer... Perhaps once the semester is over? If you could, might you send me a link to it? I'd love to at least check it out, see how you guys do business. Oh, and yes, Warcraft 3's my favorite of the RTS line. Never played the first, and the second was... Well, I had to always put the time passage to fast, so that I didn't die of boredom watching my buildings get built, though this made the units move too fast, and attack too fast, and... Well, since three came out, I don't really touch it except to relearn some of the lore.

    LiLxDevon: Mm, thank you, I will be keeping that in mind. Ohhhh... I was wondering why he was being called a robot... Heh, heh, neat!

    Pulliam: Ahhh yes, Scarekro. I remember you telling me you were a member of this as well, but I hadn't known you lead your own squad. That's fantastic! Mm, I'll certainly remember, many thanks. I was very appreciative, and still am, of your aid a few nights ago when I was getting my bootcamp-thing straightened out. Many, many thanks for it! Here's to a future full of headshots!

  3. #13

    Re: G4N1S D4KHAMM3R

    Darkhammer, I hail from about 40 minutes north of Detroit in Macomb County near the top of Lake St. Clair. It's awesome to have another Michigander in our community. Lol.
    Former Field Marshal and General of the BLUE Army
    The Undisputed "Race" Champion of the Forerunner Conflict's 8th Anniversary Celebrations

    Click here to buy some awesome apparel! Half of the profit from FC-related swag goes right back to FC!

  4. #14

    Re: G4N1S D4KHAMM3R

    Ah theres the Fresh Blood. For the fifth time welcome to FC. Yadda Yadda Yadda I'm know the rest.

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