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  1. #11

    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    Forum Name: Loco-Ma' fuckin-Crazy

    Character Name: Col. Shevchenko

    Armor Abilitaahh: Strength enhancement.

    Character personality: Wearing the EOD helm complete with GUNGNIR shoulder armour, Multi-Threat chest armour and 12 gauge shell’s on both wrists. He prides himself on his near perfect close quarter’s skills both with a weapon and without. He is menacingly calm but is quick to anger and will do anything within his power to get what he wants to please his emperor and his nation. Sev is known to talk BLUE soldiers into joining the Royal Empire using propaganda and facts. Overall he is a committed soldier and would rather take his own life then be captured by the Brotherhood scum.

    signature moves : choke slam & curb stomp
    Signature weapon: Titanium grapple Spear (Think of Scorpions' Spear from Mortal Kombat "Get over here!")
    Last edited by LocoCrazy; 04-26-2011 at 02:46 AM.

  2. #12

    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    Forum Name ThatRussianBear

    Character Name Allan Harrison

    Ability you want your character's armor to have. Invisibility

    Character personality Smart but funny and fools around somewhat

    I'm back

  3. #13

    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    BLUE Character

    Forum Name: ChillSquishster

    Character Name: Victor

    Ability: Invisible to radar, increase to senses and reflexes. Major increase in leg muscles and endurance allowing him to sprint for longer distances.

    Character: Victor doesnt socialize much within the army, he has a few close friends he trusts and talks to but not much. To him you have to earn his trust first before you can become his friend. He prefers close quarters fighting more than anything else. Keeps his shotgun and security knife on his shoulder for any circumstance but does just as well with his fist. But as brutal as he can be he can also be stealthy. Enjoys sneaking around the flanks of the battlefield to take out enemy snipers when they think they are safe.

  4. #14
    Senior Citizen Hazy's Avatar
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    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    Forum Name: XxpiercexX

    Character Name: He's called Sam by his colleagues, but no one really knows his real name. No one really knows why he keeps his name a secret, either.

    Ability you want your character's armor to have: Neurotoxin-saturated bullets. Contains severe hallucinogens that can last in the bloodstream for weeks, and are injected straight into enemy bloodstreams with each shot he makes.

    Character personality: Extremely warm-hearted, but only to his allies. Despite his honest and open nature he still manages to put out a mysterious air to him. He has a habit of switching between his alter ego, which can be extremely cold and calculated at points, when he enters battles. With either personality, he still loves to play with his opponent's heads, which shows in his suit ability. When given the opportunity, he's been known to drag on his battles as to only let the neurotoxins seep in more, just so he can laugh at them attempting to decipher whether the gun in their hand is a man-eating-snake or not.

    NOTE: Of course I'm going to be in the BLUE perspective, but I'm going to end up forgetting that this story is here later, so I might as well post it now while I remember that this place exists.

    XXXEDITXXX: If it's possible, keep the age at 15 in the story. Thought it might be interesting to have a little (for those that watch Bleach) Captain Hitsugaya thing going on with one of the Blue squads.
    Last edited by Hazy; 04-26-2011 at 01:20 AM.
    An actual quote about me below the sig? Too mainstream. You get a unicorn instead.

  5. #15
    Forerunner of Fire and Divinity PhoenixPrime's Avatar
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    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    I'm going to have to explain all of your abilities in my universe. Most of them, if not all, are derived from your armor.

    Andimion, I approve your character. Your character's armor is powered by a Forerunner artifact. This artifact is the original one that the Covenant used to create their own active camo technology. However, the Forerunners had a perfected version, the Covenant did not. The artifact has its own power supply, which your suit taps into. It can stay in active camouflage for an indefinite amount of time, and will disguise all of your heat and energy signatures. Your suit also comes equipped with pulse-sound dampeners. These dampeners use small pulses to disrupt any sound the suit makes, whether by contact or interaction. These pulses also cause all motion detectors to go haywire, as it interferes with their detection tools. Motion detectors will show several targets at once. The technology is not perfect however, and has been known to give massive energy signatures at random. A risk the Empire is willing to take.

    Eri, I approve your character. Here is how his ability is explained. Using the Forerunner tech that uses energy to manipulate objects, Eri's armor is powered by an artifact found in the Ark's Library before it was destroyed in the Human-Covenant war. While this allows him to manipulate objects with his armor, it does cause a massive energy spike. Any orbital ship will pick up and detect such energy use. Motion detectors, however, can actually break if too near when Eric uses his armor's energy reserves. The larger an object, the shorter the amount of time Eric can sustain the manipulation. Most of the time, he can only move objects for less than a minute, and even less when moving massive objects. He may receive a major upgrade in the story however. You'll just have to read.

    Aftershock, I've approved your character. Your character has had full integration of his nervous system with his armor's AI. Half of his brain has been dedicated to housing the AI's greater functions. As a result, the two have a symbiotic relationship, each coordinating flawlessly with each other. When Jeff identifies a target, his AI will automatically do all calculations required for a successful shot. The AI then has full control of Jeff's arms and hands and whatever else is required for the shot, and fires. The transition between Jeff and the AI is without delay, and usually instantaneous, with Jeff not being consciously aware of the change. However, this sort of integration has led to him being unable to leave his armor, a small sacrifice he's willing to accept, for near 100 percent accuracy and reflexes beyond that of any REDD Spartan.

    Loco, your character is approved. Your armor is powered by a Forerunner energy source, and made of material far more dense than the other Spartans. Due to the massive energy that the artifact affords, your armor can push itself beyond the limits of ordinary MJOLNIR armor. However, it comes at a cost. The endurance required to perform such powerful feats is high, and the use of the armor's energy supply is draining to the wearer. Therefore, you can only use your overdrive in a short amount of time, and must require a good amount of rest afterward. The strain on your body is quadruple that of ordinary combat conditions. When using your armor's ability, your energy expulsion will spike and most orbital scanners will be able to detect it if it is prolonged. However, your character's armor will also provide a powerful resistance to most weapons. Your energy shielding is lifted when using the armor's full power supply, as there is not technology available to have the shields maintain shape under such extremes. Perhaps something that can be obtained during the progression of the story?

    ChillSquisher: Your character is approved. Your armor is unique. The UNSC has discovered some of the makeup of Forerunner combat skins. Your visor is made up of the material found in a Forerunner combat skin, which allows sharper resolution, and much more powerful visual scans. Your eyesight in your armor is unparalleled. Along with that, the inner layer of your armor is fitted with a powerful nano-bot suit, which increases your armor's response to threats. Your armor is made up of detection-resistant material. This causes your armor's resistance to weaponry to be less, but it allows your to be undetected by enemy scanning, and does not rely on experimental power sources.

    Russian: I don't appove your character simply because everyone wants their character to have invisibility. Chill's is the last character I make who has armor that emphasizes stealth. I encourage you to figure something else out that would be really cool. I like the idea of an armor that can manipulate electricity, so he could cause other people's armors to go haywire.

    "You must begin by gaining power over yourself; then another; then a group, an order, a world, a species, a group of species; finally, the galaxy itself."

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  6. #16

    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    Agreed. lets hop off of the Invisibility dick and suck something GUUUD!

  7. #17
    Neutral DI Overseer
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    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    I like your additions. I cant wait for you to start writing the story..

  8. #18

    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    Forum Name: d3ad1te

    Character Name: Deckard, friends call him Deck.

    Ability you want your character's armor to have: Increased agility and speed, can manipulate his shields(protecting whatever side of his body he wants), but he wears light armor.

    Character personality: Sarcastic yet deeply believes in honor on the battlefield. Proficient with all weapons but favors the DMR.
    Last edited by d3ad1te; 04-26-2011 at 03:44 AM.
    Member since August 2006
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  9. #19

    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    Ok just change my abillity to the eletric thing you said please
    Can't wait for full story

    I'm back

  10. #20
    Senior Citizen Mi Boys Dinner's Avatar
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    Re: My Own Forerunner Conflict Story Saga

    Forum Name: The last Dinnerian

    Character Name: Steel Justice

    Ability you want your character's armor to have: A Dinnerian power that allows the user to create a mini nuke without causing the wearer any damage or aftereffects

    Character personality: A racist attitude, he seems to have a problem with anyone who clashes against his personality. Usually a silent person, but when he talks, it's either about something serious, a slight joke, or about being personally offended. He regrets hurting someone he once cared about, and is secretly afraid to get close to another person. His signature weapon is a M1911, which is fueled by Dinnerian powers passed from generation to generation.

    Fyi, Dinnerian is a royal blood line that predates Forerunners. Some Dinnerians have been known to possess certain powers......

    inb4 character is hated upon.
    The fuck you looking at, asshat?

    x: 176.06 y: 124.57 z: 27.97

    Raz: Dinner= MY HERO
    Loco: dinner is the win
    Donkey: I should take Dinner out to dinner.

    Rosario Vampire Topic= The Record of FC forever. 128 Pages.

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