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Thread: Zombie RPG

  1. #21
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    Re: Zombie RPG

    Cody shovled the runny scrambled eggs into his mouth and started chewing as Alister polished off his milk across from him. He unscrewed the cap of his water bottle and washed them down, thankful to have some hot food.

    "Alright, I'll go get the logistics worked out. I tried to get you a phone but the lines are down. You remember where the lockers and armoury where?" Al said as he tossed his fork onto his plate and stood.

    "Yea I'll be fine. See you on the pad." Cody mummbled through another mouthful of eggs which he quickly swallowed as Al left. He was about to follow him out when Megan slid into Al's empty spot smiling at Cody. "Mind if I join you Commander?"

    Cody gave her a look which he hoped would cover him looking her over. Average height and very atheltic, he determined she was indeed very attractive. Had the situation been different, and him twenty years younger, he may have considered it.

    "Look, Miss Halstrom, if you'r planning on coming with our team, you're going to need to change out of that." he said pointing at her blouse.

    She smiled. "Don't you worry Commander, I'll be ready to go."

    Cody nodded. "Good, then I will see you on the chopper."

    She giggled. "Strong silent type huh? That's fine." she said as Cody got up and turned to leave. "Commander!"

    He turned to face her and rasied his eyebrow.

    "You can call me Megan!"

    Cody turned on his heel and strode out of the makeshft cafeteria towards the mens locker room. He turned the corner and walked down the hall, doctors and nurses running by carrying all sorts of medical items. A pair of police officers stood guard outside a room and came to a loose attention as Cody appraoched.

    Cody gave them a wave "relax" and turned into the mens locker room. He walked past a pair of nurses changing into clean scrubs and found locker number 52. He dialed in the combination Al had provided him and opened the heavy metal door, tanking out a large canvas duffle bag.

    Within minutes, his duty unifrom was folded and stowed with his duty belt and shoes and tucked into the locker's top shelf. He opened the duffle and retrieved the signature Cloverdale SWAT uniform. He pulled on the dark pants and shirt, followed by his kevlar tactical vest. He expertly laced the pair of large combat boots and clipping the vest into place. Tossing the empty bag into the locker, he left the room and ran smack in Allister on his way in.

    "Cody! Good you're here, we have another assest that's just come into play."

    Cody looked lost. "Halstrom is a big enough wrench in the problem. I don't need another unarmed civilian in the mix."

    Al shook his head and handed him a data pad similiar to the one he used in the chopper. "Mr. Burwell has a rather effective skillset with computers that could be of assistance once you get inside."

    Cody looked the pad over. "A hacker?"

    Al nodded. "Something like that, which brings me to our next question. The facility has two main sections. One for Research and Development, and one for Testing and Study, we're going to have to split up."

    Cody tapped the pad and brought up a map of the Datcyst Facility. He quickly assesed the layout and looked up at Al. "Alright, I'll take my team to the R&D then. From the looks of things the mainframes are located inside a command room attached to the testing wing."

    Al took the data pad back. "Alright, I'll carry this then, we'll take that section of the facility."

    Cody nodded as the pair walked down the hall and turned into the armoury. A national guard sergeant standing outside checking over the SWAT officers ID before opening the door and letting them inside.

    "Al?" Cody asked as he looked over the dozens of weapons hanging in racks, "ROE?"

    Allister looked over at him as he hoisted a Remington shotgun. "Fire on anyone or anything that does not immediatley surrender. Be ready for CQB operations but don't expect to be fired upon. A Datcyst security official in the hospital has said that all non-infected personel have been evacuated."

    Cody nodded and turned back to the weapons rack and scanned through the long line of jet black rifles and sub machineguns. He settled on one of his personal favourites from his days in Khandahar. He pulled up a M4-CQB off the rack and checked it over. Satisfied, he quickly grabbed enough magazines to fills his vest, and then moved to the modifications table.

    He quickly attached a tactical flashlight and red dot sight, followed by a silencer. He clipped on the weapon sling and threw it over his shoulder as he head Al pump the shotgun behind him. He filled his vest with a few grenades, flares, and other assorted items before joining Allister at the sidearm locker.

    Scanning up and down, Cody was disapointed to see the entire stock of P226's had been taken. Al quickly took a knee and pulled a large revolver from the bottom line. He smiled and shurgged. "You know me, I like my .357."

    Cody nodded as Al started filling speed loaders with the heavy rounds. He turned back to the locker and settled on a Beretta 92, a gun which he had much experience with during his military days. He joined Al to grab ammunition and when the two were finished they both left, thanking the sergeant and climbing the stairs to the helipad.

    The pair stepped out into the now morning air. Cody checked his watch which read 0833 and was amazed at how fast time had flown. He followed Al up the final steps to the pad and climbed into the military BlackHawk. A door gunner passed him a headset which he slid on, the buzz of chatter filling his ears as Al briefed the dozen SWAT members on their mission plan.

    Cody gazed down into the city as the chopper rose and turned toward the forest. Dozens of soliders and police officers scattered the streets firing at mobs of onrushing undead as they tried to hold the perimeter around the hospital. A sharp bang echoed from below as a car exploaded sending greasy smoke billowing into the air.

    A hand softly grabbed Cody's shoulder and he turned as Megan gave him a weak smile, her hair now pulled in a tight pony tail, he blouse now replaced with a dark tactical shirt and vest. he noticed the pistol on her right hip and breathed a small sigh of relief.

    At least I won't be having to worry about her all the time...

  2. #22
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    Re: Zombie RPG

    Aaron had just finished setting up his equiptment when he heard the choppers taking off. Looks like my estimate was right. He hurried up so he could try to establish a connection to Commander Shaers PDA.

    "Commander Shaer speaking."

    "Hey, it's Aaron Burwell here, just checking to see if the connection is working."

    "I had no idea you could talk on this thing."

    "Network Engineers work on more than just computers buddy. Anyways once you get inside the facility im going to need you to make your way to the mainframe and plug me in, that way not only will you have a map of the facility but also i will be able to hack into the security cameras and tell you what your up against. I will also be able to lead you right to the brain."

    "Never thought i would be working with a hacker."

    "Its not hacking, its acessing a network that that i don't own without the owner knowing about it."

    "That doesn't really sound much better."

    "Its a zombie infection, I think standard procedures are out the window."

    "I think you do have a point."

    "I would hope so, anyways I will contact you again once you reach the facility"

    "Ok Mr. Burwell, hear from you soon, over and out."

    This is gonna be one hell of a day

  3. #23
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    Re: Zombie RPG

    Cody clicked off the PDA and tossed it at Allister, cupping his mouth around the boom mic jutting out from his headset. "You left this under my seat!" he yelled over the chopper's roar.

    Al gave him a thumbs up and tucked it into his vest pocket before moving forward to the cockpit. Cody looked over the SWAT members sitting in the chopper, a few chatting quiety between eachother, most staring out at horros below. Cody clipped a line onto his vest and moved to the open door.

    Crowds of undead swarmed the streets below, overtaking the few survivors that attempted to fight off the hordes. A few explosions rocked the chopper as burning cars ignighted, sending smokes billowng up into the sky. A second chopper blasted by, blasting towards the industrial area of the city.

    Megan rested a hand on Cody's shoulder as he voice broke across the headset. "Commander? We're three minutes to landing."

    Cody tore his eyes away from the scene below and slid back onto the seat next to her. No sooner had he sat back down an alarm in the chopper began to blast through the speakers. Al quickly moved back to the cockpit and a few SWAT members started to yell. Cody knew, he'd heard that alarm before in Khandahar.

    Tearing off his headset, he started screaming for everyone to get flat when the explosion of the SAM blasted the tail rotor clean off in a tornado of steel and smoke. The chopper jerked and leaned left starting to spiral out of control. Cody started to slide down the seat towards the open when Megan slammed into his back and the pair went tumbling out into the air.

    Cody clawed at Megan as she screamed, the pair falling towards the forrest below. Cody clawed out, his hand brushing against her shoulder before sliding up and clasping her hand. He pulled her closer, his shoulder straining as the green of the trees grew closer.

    The line he had clipped to his vest snapped tight, and the sudden jerk shot Megan up into Codys arms. The pair hugged as the world span around them, another SWAT officer shooting by towards the ground. Cody glanced up and watched the chopper spiral and drop in altitude, a couple other SWAT falling out and smashing into the trees below.

    Cody grimmaced as he felt the tops of the trees brushing against his feet as the ground came fast at the pair hanging by the line were pulled behind the crashing chopper. A branch gave them a smack as they cleared the treeline and found themselves over the lake next to the Datcyst facility.

    Cody reached for the clip on his vest and tumbed the released and the pair smashed into the water like a pair of rocks, tumbling into the frigid water. Cody felt Megan slip away as he kicked for the surface, his gear soaking in water and weighing him down. He thanked his military traiing as he broke the surface, gasping for air, in time to see the chopper clear the facility and hear the smash of heavy metal in the distance.

    Cody shook the water from his head and span around looking for Megan who ceased to surface. He waited a few more seconds before he dove back into the water after her. Not far from where he surfaced, she lay suspended, eyes closed. Gripping her under the arms, Cody shot back to the surface, once again thanking his SAR training.

    Taking a moment to suck in some air, he hoisted her under and arm and started swimming for the shore, the smell of burning gas floating through the air from the crashed chopper. It wasnt long before Cody reached the bottom and was able to walk. He brought Megan up into his arms and drove his boots into the sand, running up to the grass.

    Once he hit green, he lay her down and checked her breathing, which wasn't happening. He quickly tore open her vest and started chest compressions, followed by assisted mouth to mouth breathing. On the second pair of blows, she started to tense, Cody pulling back just in time for the mix of water and vomit to miss him as he rolled her onto her side.

    As Megan coughed and spat, he quickly checked his gear as was disapointed to find his MP5 missing. Hoping it was in the chopper, he took a knee and placed his hand on Megans back. "Miss Halstrom, are you ok to move?"

    She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and un buttoned the top few buttons on her tactical shirt. "Yea" she said rubbing her chest and taking a few dep breathes. "I'm ok to move." she finished as she pulled out her silver Beretta 92 and racked the slide.

    Cody stood and drew his own pistol, glad they could pool ammo. He quickly found the smoke billowing into the sky not far to the west. He gave Megan a quick nod an the pair moved towards the trees, pistols up and sweeping. It didn't take long before flames were visible through the brush. Cody was about to say something when a burst of weapons fire shattered the tree trunk beside him, casue the pair to dive into the forrest floor.

    "SWAT! Friendlies! Friendlies!" Cody bellow as he heard a man calling out for help. A familiar voice broke through the silence.

    "Thompson! Hold fire! Commander Shaer?! Cody?! Is that you?!"

    Cody recognized Al's voice and stood waving his hands. "Yea! We're coming out!"
    He offered a hand to Megan and helped her up before coming around the tree to see the pair of SWAT officers standing ten feet from him, weapons lowered. Al held out a hand which Cody took and shook. "Thank god you're alright."

    Al nodded. "A few of us are, but we got hit hard. C'mon." He said as he turned and the quatret of survivors walked the few feet through the brush and into a small clearing where the helicopter rested, it's tail burning, and gear strewen about the grass. Cody shook his head, more memories flashing back. Megan grabbed his hand, fingers interlocking with his. "Commander, it's ok."

    Cody nodded and pulled her in for a small hug. "Thanks Megan. You can call me Cody."

  4. #24
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    Re: Zombie RPG

    Aaron sat typing away at the computer. He figured he had time so he would imput commands into the data pad to do everything it needed to do just incase something happened and he wasn't able to do it himself. Never know when this could come in handy He decided to take a look out the window just to see whats going on. He realized soon that something bad was about to happen. From the 3rd floor he could see you maybe 1 or 2 miles, and he did not like what he saw at all. Troops were mobilizing and setting up encampments, and he could barely see them but he knew that the zombies had started a march on the hospital. Shit shit shit He hurried to finish the program and then shut down his laptop. Better take this with me. His guns were already in his car so all he had to do was get down to it and drive the hell away from here. The only question was to where?

    Once he had gotten down to the 1st floor, he realized that he didn't have much time to get out. The zombies had made a lot of ground. He already heard snipers and assult rifles going off. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. He got to his car as fast as he possible could and started it up quickly. Now that he was a little safer, he had to make a plan. I should head to the facility. Yeah the datapad can help, but it can only do so much. It's not going to work all that well. Having made up his mind, he turned on the car and started to make his way to the facility. Looks like its time to put the armor and spikes through the ultimade test through this sea of zombies.

    He slammed down on the accelerator and made his way thought the sea of zombies.


    He went through one zombie, then the next, and before he knew it he went through the twenteith zombie in no time. The armor was holding up well, and the spikes were tearing through these zombies like it was nobodys business. Looks like Terry's design is really holding up. I knew I could count on him.

    He was about half way to the facility and the armor was still holding strong. He then heard a noise from his laptop, He looked down and saw that the alarm had gone off at the facility. Looks like they finally made it in. Good thing this thing has a garage. I wonder though. He quickly looked around where the mainframe is. So if I have this thing go through this part of the building, that should put me 20 feet away from the mainframe. At this rate I might even beat them there. Better hurry though. He floored it and tried as fast as possible to get to the facility.

  5. #25
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    Re: Zombie RPG

    Alex arrived at the building where his business meeting was suppose to take place. It was a small cafe in the middle of downtown, he parked his car and got out. The entire street was empty. Papers and garbage covered the ground. Tables were flipped along with chairs, meals were left uneaten. He walked over to a table that was knocked over and saw on a piece of paper were a line of numbers after the word Unit. It read Unit 24 6/17/11. Next to the piece of paper was a USP.45 supressed and 4 magazines strewn around. He grabbed the paper, the handgun, and the ammo and left.

    My Desk

    "A rank is only as respectable as the man who holds it."

  6. #26

    Re: Zombie RPG

    (Years prior to becoming a Sheriff and this incident, Kevin was a police officer in LAPD where he worked undercover as part of the departments gang unit which was also where he got his nickname "NSANE" which he routinly used while undercover. He recalled his last assignment before he got recommended and ultimtly re-assigned to San Quentin as a sheriff for there gang program.)

    The target was a prominent gang leader who had a massive rap sheet and the department finally had enough evidence to go after him. So they sent Kevin who had already spent months trying to get access to the gang leader and the trust of the gang while also having specific skill sets that allowed for effective movement through areas and successfully extract people and items without being detected.

    Kevin had finally gained access to the gang leader's compound in an abandoned factory in the city of industry. He was feeding information to his back-up who were ready to help him in the getaway when he had the gang leader in custody.

    "So you must be Nsane right" On of the gang members said to Kevin.
    "Quvo" Kevin replied back to him.
    "Well we're about to take off so it's gonna be you and those 2 vatos over there guarding el mero mero. So keep a look out and we'll be back after we smoke those putos in the other side of town." The gang member told kevin as he was leaving.

    The gang members left and only Kevin and the two other gang members were there. Kevin decided to take action ASAP.

    So he proceeded to got the restroom where he got his silenced Beretta, tactical knife, and handcuffs ready.

    "Alright im about to began the seize and extract of the leader. Come in and help me with the extract 2 mins after this message ends." Kevin told his back-up then began the final steps.

    He stepped out casually and headed towards the two gang members who were drinking by the main door. He remembered he was allowed to use deadly force on any one that could potentailly jeopardize the mission.

    Kevin walked up to them, took out his silenced Beretta, and shot both members behind the head. The corpses fell as Kevin unlocked the main door and headed towards the gang leaders room which had loud music playing from it.

    1 minute had passed since he started his final steps.

    As Kevin got to the door, his heart was pounding progressivly faster until he broke through the door at which point his heart rate was at it's peak.

    "Freeze muthafucka LAPD stop what your doing and let me see your hands or I will fucking kill you!" He shouted at the gang leader who was hunced over a bed.

    As he turned around with his hands on his head, Kevin approached the bed and saw an image that would stay embedded in his head forever.

    It looked like a young girl maybe 13 or 14, but he couldn't really tell as her face was horribly beaten and just looked like a mass of blood , bone, and puss.

    Kevin handcuffed the gang leader who was surprisingly co-opperative and quickly ran to the little girl. Not only was her face a mess, but her whole body seemed to be butchered and cut up.

    The gang leader smiled as he saw the look of utter disgust and heart ache on Kevin's face.

    "You like my masterpiece puto." He said to Kevin as he laughed with that smug smile.

    30 seconds until back-up would come in. They were almost at the main door ready for the 2 mins to be up.

    Kevin stepped away from the now lifeless body of the young girl and walked over to the gang leader. At that point, Kevin was no longer thinking about the months of police work and effort of his fellow officers to get this case cleared to try to take this gang down. No, a rage had begun to consume him and his nickname had finally manifested itself as took out his tactical knife and went to work on the gang leader.

    It was now 2 mins and 15 seconds since he begun the finals steps and his 2-man back-up was now running down the hallway to the room and as they entered, ther're hearts sank as like Kevin's did when he first entered the room.

    They ran over to Kevin who was hunched over something and they pulled him back to see the gang leaders with his mouth open and tongue on the floor along with most of his fingers and a piece of his eye lid. Kevin was about to begin tearing out his eyes.

    The two saw the person on the bed and asked Kevin what happened.
    "I just had to make sure he felt everything that he did to that girl." Kevin said in a calm manner as one of his teammates took Kevins weapons. They had no idea what to do so they picked up the gang leader, took pictures of the girl, grabbed Kevin and left.

    The whole final operation took a total of 3 mins and 30 seconds to complete yet it was the worst and hardest of Kevin's entire career. His teammates covered-up what happened and Kevin was later transferred.

    (Present time 2400)
    Kevin had gone through hell after he tried to help some people some time ago in downtown and the horde had blocked his way out until he found a way partially through and around the horde thanks to his trusty silenced Beretta hours before.
    He wandered through the city and finally made it to the police station he was originally headed to.

    The moaning was still relatively loud even two miles away from the horde and the air thick with smoke and the stench of decay. To his surprise a familiar sight was laying on the asphalt in front of the station.

    It looked like a young girl, maybe 13 or 14 with her guts hanging out along with the rest of her face. Her eyes were pale and bloodshot though her gaze pierced through Kevin. She was barely able to drag herself along the gravel, but her eyes stayed locked on me. A faint moan came out her mouth as emotion ran through Kevin's eyes and mind.

    He began to think of the event's of that mission and how he could have saved the little girl, but was too late in time. He felt helplessly the same as he was also too late this time. He crouched down to the girl as she reached out for his throat. Like the quiet moan she gave, Kevin's Beretta also gave out a small whimper as it put the girl out of her misery with one hot shot of lead.

    It was over.

    The door to the police station entrance seemed partailly barracaded so it would be best not to try to get through it. Kevin grabbed his war-bag and found away around and above the police station to find a possible way in. With no flashlight, the darkness was a ever increasing factor against him.

    (I might mention some more of his past experiences depending how far this story goes, but I just felt that the original character I had in mind wasn't completly explained in my first post. Hope you guys enjoy and i'll start posting more so we can get a better story going. )
    Last edited by IX NSANE XI; 07-01-2011 at 01:03 PM.
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  7. #27
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    Re: Zombie RPG

    Nsane you went from Inner city to outskirts in like no time, without any story. People are not supposed to know what the other posters are doing, that defeats the purpose of the RPG. Don't forget, YOU can read what's going on fully, but your CHARACTER cant.


    Cody bent down and checked the pule of the pilot, the man's neck twisted at an unatural angle his Cody's fingers sunk into the cold lifeless flesh. He shook his head and closed the man's eyes before standing. "Looks like it's just us then." he muttered at he loooked over at "us" standing around the crashed chopper.

    Allister stood, his shotgun cradled in his arms as he talked quietly to the SWAT officer who almost killed Cody and Megan. Megan stood by the fire at the choppers tail, doing her best to dry off. Cody carried the body over to the fire and tossed it into the pile with the rest of the dead SWAT and crew. Turning, he gave Al a wave and his long time friend came to join him.

    "Al, how he doing for weapons and gear?"

    Al looked grim. "Besides your a Halstrom's pistols, I have both of mine, Adrian's using the pilots MP5. All the weapons were destroyed in the crash, we found your rifle, in two pieces.." he said trailing off.

    Cody nodded. "Alright, what's the plan?"

    Al pointed north further into the woods. "Facility is that way, I sent word to CGH that we've crashed but there was no answer. Figure we may as well stay on mission and check out the facility."

    Cody reached into his pocket and pulled out a map, thankfull it was sealed in a plastic bag. He unfolded it as Megan and Adrian joined them as he lay the map down out on the grass. The four crouched around the paper as Al pointed to a pair of lines representing dirt roads. "Here are the two main paths into the facility. Adrian and I will take this one, Cody, you and Halstrom take this one."

    A screech brought Cody up and spinning, drawing his pistol as he sighted the one armed black woman tearing at them from the north, her labcoat stained with blood and dirt as he fired, a pair of shots punching through her sternum and nose, sending blood spilling onto the grass as she collasped, buckling at the knees.

    Al grabbed the map and stuffed it into his chest pocket and pumped the Remingting. "Cody you and Halstrom get moving, these things are attracted to sound," he tossed Cody a radio. "This one's dry, swap it out, keep in touch." He called as Adrian fired his MP5 at another oncoming undead.

    Cody clipping the radio onto his belt and plugged in his headset before grabbing Megan's arm, and tearing off into the trees towards Datcyst and the horrors that lay within.

  8. #28
    Senior Citizen Nocte's Avatar
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    Re: Zombie RPG

    Alex stopped his car and put it in park and pulled the key out. A long sigh came from his mouth as he pulled out the sheet of paper and read the words Unit 24 6/17/11. He thought on the word Unit.

    “ Police Unit 24?” He asked out loud. He mentally responded with a no as the thought twisted and turned in his head. Alex pressed his thumbs against his temples gently and rubbed, hopping a more fitting idea would come to mind. His thoughts were interrupted as his peripherals caught sight of movement coming from the left of him. He looked over and saw a limping figure moving slowly towards him. He reached for the handgun sitting in the passenger’s seat and opened the door. His arms almost shot up to perfect aim right at the man’s chest. Without hesitation he fired two shots right after the other and two tight holes sent the man flying backwards.

    “What the hell?” Alex said to himself as looked at the gun. He never remembered firing a gun in his entire life, but in the moment he fired it felt almost natural. Like he had done it millions of times before. Alex looked back to the man as he rose from the ground like he didn’t just get two rounds blasted into his upper chest cavity. Blood oozed out and was covering his shirt, and Alex leveled the pistol and fired one round right into the man’s head. The bullet smashed into the left side of his forehead and blew the left side out and onto the pavement. Alex could see the brain matter, it was dark red and black. As he looked around making sure the area was clear he thought about the other numbers. 6/17/11. A date? Now that he thought about it he couldn’t remember the date, or even the year. The deeper he thought, he realized he didn’t even remember the flight to Cloverdale.

    “This shit is getting weird,” Alex said as he got back in his car, but left the door open. He let his mind just sit on the idea of the numbers. Then it hit him, a combination. Unit 24 must be a storage Unit, and 6/17/11 must be the combination to the lock on the door. He closed his door and started his car.

    My Desk

    "A rank is only as respectable as the man who holds it."

  9. #29

    Re: Zombie RPG

    Alright fixed to keep the authenticty of the rpg. Next time a simple no crossing characters too early would suffice.
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  10. #30

    Re: Zombie RPG

    I woke up on my bunk in the National Guards base right outside of town. I lay there for a second remembering what happened a couple of nights ago. The airport, the cannibalistic freaks, now known as zombies, the amount of them, us being surrounded, and, thank god, an AH-64 Apache coming to our rescue.

    I sat up and got off the bed, and walked outside. The base was on Full alert at this time. "COLLINS!" I heard my SGT yell. "Get over here!" I ran up to my SGT standing next the firing range. He handed me my M249, and pointed down the range. "Aim for the head." he said.

    I walked up to my station and aimed down my sights, and noticed that the targets were 400 meters away. They want me to aim for the head....with a M249.....400 meters away. I fired at the first target, hitting everything BUT the head. I re-aimed, and fired a burst at the head. I looked at the second target, aimed, and fired a burst, hitting the chest and neck. I repeated this with 3 more targets.

    "You keep working on aiming for the head Collins, only way to kill these zombies."

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