Quote Originally Posted by Fiery Grave View Post
3 problems with this
1. 3 concussion rifle shots take out some ones shields so the melee would kill them
2. concussion rifle shots slow down the enemy... they wouldn't even get half way to you in this situation cause a concussion rifle would stop the sprint.
3. concussion rifle is a support weapon and isn't the best at killing quickly.... like i said if you used an AR their shields would be down and you would be able to kill them

and again i hardly ever have this problem and when i do it really is ineffective, the part of the community that wants this is generally the MLG / highly competitive community. but those people are also largely have a hard time holstering the DMR and trying to use other weapons like the AR.... even the MLG playlist is so stripped of weapons its ridiculous...
i am talking about DMR vs DMR, i guess i didn't state that. they won't be removing bloom from the normal non precision guns like the AR.