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  1. #81

    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    I hope I win because I'm a poor kid and probably won't be able to afford any of the new games this fall and winter because I just spent $1,800 that I don't even have for a new transmission for my truck so I can go to school on top of the $3500 I owe every semester for college loans and books and blah blah blah. I'm a poor kid lol.

  2. #82

    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    Whats your gamertag so I can see your stuff?
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative: violence. Force must be applied without apology."

  3. #83

    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Major Wolf View Post
    Whats your gamertag so I can see your stuff?
    its his name on here... so is mine :P

    Whats your zombie plan?
    There are two kinds of people in this world; those that have a plan prepared for when the zombies take over the Earth, and those who don't.
    We call those last people DINNER

  4. #84

    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    yea what he said. ^^^

  5. #85
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    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    And the winner IS...


    You will need to msg me your address. I will be making a MV of your rat race game and taking a SS of your forge FC map. Congratz man on winning! You deserve it!


    "What exactly is motivation? Is it saying come on REDD Lets fuck BLUE up this war? Or is it telling you guys that we can do this lets play to the best of our abilities?? NO. I believe that motivation can’t just be spoken but has to be taught. Is it truly motivating to say okay come on guys we can fucking do this or is it more motivating to get together and work with one another to see what we can truly accomplish because what better motivation than seeing yourselves fighting side by side kicking ass! Now I can tell you all, all day long that we can beat BLUE upside down over and backwards but that isn’t going to do it. In times like this we need to get our asses together and kick some serious ass. BLUE has NOTHING on us and we know it! Sure they have a few good players.. BUT WE HAVE THE BEST PLAYERS!!! And it is our duty and our right to go out there and show these mutha F’ers what damage we can do! What we can control! Lets rip these guys a new one this war and for every war from here on out. Let’s show them the power of REDD and the drive that we have to beat each and everyone of these BLUE players. Let’s show them why we are THE BEST. Let’s show them that we are REDD!!"

    I am Tsundere.
    (ツンデレ) a character type that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.

  6. #86

    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Carpe Vexillum View Post

    "What exactly is motivation? Is it saying come on REDD Lets fuck BLUE up this war? Or is it telling you guys that we can do this lets play to the best of our abilities?? NO. I believe that motivation can’t just be spoken but has to be taught. Is it truly motivating to say okay come on guys we can fucking do this or is it more motivating to get together and work with one another to see what we can truly accomplish because what better motivation than seeing yourselves fighting side by side kicking ass! Now I can tell you all, all day long that we can beat BLUE upside down over and backwards but that isn’t going to do it. In times like this we need to get our asses together and kick some serious ass. BLUE has NOTHING on us and we know it! Sure they have a few good players.. BUT WE HAVE THE BEST PLAYERS!!! And it is our duty and our right to go out there and show these mutha F’ers what damage we can do! What we can control! Lets rip these guys a new one this war and for every war from here on out. Let’s show them the power of REDD and the drive that we have to beat each and everyone of these BLUE players. Let’s show them why we are THE BEST. Let’s show them that we are REDD!!"

    Meh i think my speech was better :p, and my FC sign defiantly was better than his.... i mean come on i had rolling killballs that destroyed everything and made a bunch of pretty explosions.... his picture was better though.... but the video of my picture was like 10x better than the actual picture

    Whats your zombie plan?
    There are two kinds of people in this world; those that have a plan prepared for when the zombies take over the Earth, and those who don't.
    We call those last people DINNER

  7. #87
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    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    I wont get into specifics, but your speech was better, though your sign got disqualified because it wasn't "Forerunner Conflict", Angel went above and beyond, even did the logo thing with the shield doors.

    I am Tsundere.
    (ツンデレ) a character type that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.

  8. #88

    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    1st off YES!!!!! Finally the poor kid catches a break lol. 2nd yes fiery I'm sure your speech was better than mine because I such at writing anything out because all my long talks or speeches come from spur of the moment with people around me to hear it I've never been good at typing anything out that includes motivation.. Unless of course theres a cookie XD jkjk. 3rd ahhh hell no my sign was soooo better :P because I was a no life and put next to it and attempted to make the FC bird crosshair symbol thingamajig (no idea what that symbols actual name is if it really has one) and 4th HA SEXY PICTURE!!!! lol. I did like yours and that wolf kids pic tho (yours because while you were making the bastard I kept getting lost cus I couldnt c shit then when I found it I was all look ohhhhh pretty lights and then we sat under the water and stared at the purple light like a bunch of stoners) they both looked good but theres just something about the color I made mine with those big ass towers and the lighting flowing around them and the clouds with the main tower shooting that charge beam into the air that ws just... RAWR to say the least lol.. But yea I will admit overall your sign was prob better than mine because mine I didn't sit there and take the time to properly line everything up like you would when your making a map I just put it together the best I could in the time I did it because the area I picked to put it all had a height barrier that was making it really difficult to spawn and move pieces so I just worked with what I could without getting pissed and blowing up my xbox.... But anyway Thanks Carpe I'll get that to you in a message as soon as possible (which might be like a week or two because I get completely side tracked by the dumbest things *oh look a quarter* okay well maybe not that bad but you get the idea..) And if I wasn't such a poor kid I would say you and wolf should both get some sort of prize just because your shit kicked ass as well but the most I could afford to send you right now is probably a gumball..... Seriously my funds are shot with school and everything that has been going on..

  9. #89

    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Carpe Vexillum View Post
    I wont get into specifics, but your speech was better, though your sign got disqualified because it wasn't "Forerunner Conflict", Angel went above and beyond, even did the logo thing with the shield doors.
    wait what it did? what did i miss?
    i spelt out forerunner conflict.... unless my handicap made me miss spell it

    Mr. Ang3le, your stuff was kind of cool so whatever :P. lol... but seriously calm down your excited and typing out too much in such a small space

    Whats your zombie plan?
    There are two kinds of people in this world; those that have a plan prepared for when the zombies take over the Earth, and those who don't.
    We call those last people DINNER

  10. #90

    Re: Carpe's Challenge :: Contest

    Fiery I checked out the only map you had on your share and it just said FCwars or did you have another one I missed. And I wasn't typing a lot because I was excited I just had a lot to say about random stuff. And canadians... I mean bacon! :P

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