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  1. #1

    FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    I guess I will jump on the band-wagon and ask the community a feedback question as well. This one is fairly simple. I noticed some people were thinking we can improve this in the feedback poll Spartan posted.

    What Can the Factions of FC do to make Forerunner Conflict feel more like a War-Like Battle On Sundays? What Can the War-Council Do?

    We currently use a battle map, have Military Ranks, Squads or Units you play with, training, boot camps. Is there anything else that we can possibly do to make our community feel more milteristic on Sundays or any other way in the Army?

    If you feel we are doing a good job already, do not even bother responding. But if you have any suggestions, please post them.

  2. #2

    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    Try having some more war-like-feeling maps. Also from what I've played during a battle it sounds more like we're playing a sport rather than fighting a war, not really sure how to fix that.

    Something that has been trailing my mind, territories, have we been using this much? I'm thinking of maybe making it like conquest like BF3 or MW3.

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  3. #3
    Senior Citizen VerbotenDonkey's Avatar
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    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    Has to do with peoples attitudes as well. If people don't want to treat it like a warsim, it won't be. Attitude is the biggest thing, we can do everything we can to make it a warsim on the outside, but if people don't treat it like one, then it won't feel like one. I see no distinction between Units (what makes a Unit stand out from another? Emblems, mottos, pride?). We have a really cool warmap and idea set up but it just feels like we're playing RISK, not fighting a War.

    Officers should have a more serious role. I feel like most Officers just act like Enlisted with a higher rank. The Officer spot really lost its luster. I'd rather see the Sergeant ranks actually do more, like leading Fire Teams within a Platoon, and see less Officers.

    Ill type more later, I'm mobile now.
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  4. #4

    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    I play for the competitiveness. Company structure and roles are enough to make it feel like a warsim for me. I feel like the LARP represent the warsim more than the actual battlenights and if other people believe that then the number difference between the two favor the FC battlenights over the warsim feeling.

  5. #5
    Senior Citizen Puba's Avatar
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    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    The maps should have a more military feel to it . Every time I play in battle night I feel like the tactics are the same . People rush power weapons while a couple of people go to the flanks and a couple down the middle . I mean it's fun but It doesn't feel like a war sim . If we had a urban map like a city it would make scence .some maps could have explosion happing above while we fight . Also when we post the attack plans we make a little story for example redd attacks a blue controlled city you make this the story: " The rebel scum have taken the city and using it as a key supply route , We must take it back !" or something along the lines .
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    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    Quote Originally Posted by VerbotenDonkey View Post

    Officers should have a more serious role. I feel like most Officers just act like Enlisted with a higher rank. The Officer spot really lost its luster.
    I feel like this is spot on, we need more officers (REDD & BLUE) to take their positions seriously and make FC a unique experience for everybody.

  7. #7
    Senior Citizen Gargoyle's Avatar
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    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    Officers, return of A.I.'s and galaxy news, maybe a ceremony at the end of each war. Video'd cease fire type thing. LARP to return and stay active.

    The warmap def needs a kick to it. Like, it's too x and y feeling. Maybe the option of a few different units with different powers or something more strategy like.

    I'm right back at it again...

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    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    Quote Originally Posted by Gargoyle View Post
    The warmap def needs a kick to it. Like, it's too x and y feeling. Maybe the option of a few different units with different powers or something more strategy like.

    That'd complicate things quite a bit...

    But you've got my gears turning.
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    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    Outside of the battles FC definitely acts like a war-sim. We're all granted ranks, we have to go through boot camps, there are attack plans, officer meetings, etc. However, another important aspect of "war-sim" is game play, and when we actually go to a battle night the war-sim aspect kind of disappears and turns into a competitive match against our fellow war-sim buddies.

    War Simulations are difficult to describe . . . I made a post in Reapers thread earlier and in that post I stated that realism and Competitiveness cannot go hand in hand. In order for FC to truly become a war-sim it has to account for realistic war-like features, which would most likely ruin competitive game play. Think about it, in real war, battles aren't going to be fought on small sized battle zones like Reflection or Triton, there going to be fought on large battlefields with air and vehicle support and etc. In real war, both armies might not start off equally matched, in fact, one side might have a complete advantage on the other, but that same factor would ruin competitive game play; whose soul essence is basically fair and balanced game play, fairness which means equal spawns. While FC is largely a war sim within the community, the battles (in my opinion at least) are not.

    To be honest though, I highly doubt FC's battles can "truly" get that war-sim feel. Largely because of the player count. The only game on Xbox that I've ever played that made me actually feel like I was in a war was Battlefield 3 (because of the large player count and the tons of vehicles). On the PC, Project Reality was the best war simulator I have ever played . . . but it was too realistic and it was very slow. 16 players on a decently large sized map still doesn't cut it for me . . . doesn't feel like a war.

    I'm sure that I could list more, but I don't feel like thinking of any.

    Don't get me wrong guys I love FC, and I can see myself being here for a long time. The battles can be EXTREMELY fun and satisfying but they do not feel like a war-sim.

    Everything else feels like a war sim though

    (By Ireland Wolf)

  10. #10
    Eagle's Petit Chou Coda's Avatar
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    Re: FC Rev: 4 FeedBack "War Feeling"

    One thing FC could do, is add invasion type games to it. I don't know if this was brought up before or not, but I think it would be pretty cool if the REDD actually had to invade Tritan rather than just "ok, everyone fight". And I agree that attitudes definitely have a lot to do with it. If you're not serious about the war feel of it, it won't feel like a war sim. This is especially important for unit leaders. When you have a group of people looking up to you, and you don't take it seriously, they won't either. But if you are big on the war sim feeling, then they will be too

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