Greetings everyone!

Bet you thought you got rid of me, didn't you? Well, you did, almost. Let me get right into what I want to say.

Holy crap, Metkil lives. Where were you?!

Well, if you guys noticed, I disappeared off the radar back in June, shortly after E3. The reasoning behind this was that real life just got WAAAAAY to hectic to manage any kind of virtual life. Any free time I had (which was little) was spent either outside doing more work or playing a game for an hour or so here and there. I figured that it would last until August and I would be able to get back to my virtual life. Well, this is true. Late August came, my college life started back up and my virtual life started to appear again.

So why was I still MIA on FC then over the last two months? Honestly, I have no reason why I wasn't active. All I did was lurk and make sure the website was working properly. I fixed problems as they came up (Myth is great at informing me of these things) and continued lurking.

Over the last week, I decided it's time to get back in the being active boat. Tonight, I am sitting here 30 minutes before I have to lead a raid in World of Warcraft with my guild, so I figured now would be a good time.

Guess what,

I'm finally back.

Don't care, didn't read. Where's my prizes?!

Right your prizes. Trust me I didn't forget. It's bothered me everyday. I was too busy over the summer to take care of it, so I vowed to do to it soon as I could. College started and things started to look. I got ready to prepare the prizes.

Then, they got lost in the move from Home to College. Crap.

This weekend, I got a care package from my parents. Guess what was in it.

Yea, your prizes.

Prize distribution starts this week. Digital prize winners, yours will come this weekend most likely. Physical prize winners, you will be receiving a generic copy and paste private message requesting shipping details. The quicker you reply to the private message, I quicker I will send them out.

Sappy apology time

Everyone here at Forerunner Conflict, I have to apologize. As your website administrator, there is no reason I go inactive for that length of time. I honestly feel like crap leaving you guys in the dark for this long. There were quite a few nights I didn't sleep well because it bothered me how I have treated this awesome community over the last 4 - 5 months. I'll try to find a way to make this up to you guys. Don't know how yet, but I'll do it. For now I will start by keeping my promises and returning to being active.

I hope everyone here can forgive for the mistakes I have made here. Let's fix them and get back in the game!

So, now what?

Well, for now, I am just going to work on being active. You'll be seeing me around on the forums more often. I don't have any major plans for the website at this time.

On a personal level, I'll be playing WoW, EVE Online, and BF4 in the foreseeable future. Then there is the random other games I will be playing. Sadly, I am MIA on XBL because I can't connect to the internet anymore with my X360. I may be back on that in the spring however. PC gamers, if you see me online and want to play something, don't be afraid to ask.

On the multimedia side, I'll be back to livestreaming within the next week or so. I miss doing those. I'm also working on my YT channel as well alongside my livestream. I am also livestreaming for Extra Life with my gaming club on my campus November 2nd. (Link: If your interested in supporting our cause) Yay for helping kids and playing games at the same time.

Well, that's all I got for now. Like I said, I hope you guys can forgive for my absence. I'm ready to move on and get back to being active around here.

Like it or not,

I'm back.

Your truly,

Zach aka Metkil5685
Website Administrator