As most of you already know, the numbers for FC are probably going to drop again due to the release of the Xbox One. This puts the numbers at terrible places and we really need peace time to come. I had an idea, which I'm hoping people will expand on, which involves a voluntary squad leader system. I think it would be a good idea if members from each army volunteered to be squad leaders, to have a chance of building their own squads. The applications of course could be decided by higher ups, in terms of who's active, dedicated, etc.

An expansion would be if higher ups were to accompany volunteers into new squads. Say for example, I was to volunteer to be a squad leader. Another higher up such as Jam Cliche or Ominous could follow me into this squad, just to help maintain it. Given the number of people who are (POSSIBLY) keen on becoming squad leaders, this community could circulate the word of FC around Halo 4 easily.

If more squads were created, putting banners aside, it could be possible to create companies again.

I would appreciate any feedback and possible expansions.