Heyo folks. Your local website administrator here with a bunch of updates for ya.

First off, our forum software got updated to the most current version today. Hazaa for security fixes!

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, time to move to the fun stuff.

All this morning, Myth and I were hard at work on some projects. Here's the lowdown.

[Complete]Improved Notices

  • Implemented a new modification that allows more power and control with how the notice system work
  • Mainly a new toy for Myth to play with

[Complete]Tapatalk Integration

  • As of this morning, FCWars.net is registered with Tapatalk.
  • Tapatalk is a mobile application on most platforms that allows for a more user-friendly experience when on mobile devices
  • A longer topic on this is to be posted with all the details needed
  • To get started with Tapatalk, just open FCWars.net on your mobile device.

[WIP]vCash Store

  • A store to spend your hard-earned vCash has been implemented!
  • Fully automated and reduces administrator overhead
  • Currently only has two basic items to adjust your user title
  • As time goes, more items will be added
  • Can be accessed at http://fcwars.net/forums/vbshop.php or under the Quick Links menu at the top of the forums

[WIP]Twitch.tv Integration

  • A frontend system for Twitch.tv is currently being implemented on the forums
  • Members who regular broadcast on Twitch.tv can have their channels highlighted on the forums
  • Currently only admins can add channels, however in the future members will be able to add their channel
  • Can be accessed at http://fcwars.net/forums/twitch.php

[Not Started]Member Advertisements

That's about it for now. As always, if you find a bug please report it in the Bug Report topic

Website Administrator