Quote Originally Posted by Rokkman X View Post
They wouldn't be the better army if they were sent in with those odds. Therefore they should not win. They may be more skilled but this is a level playing field with uneven playing field mechanics. One side should get actual advantages if the circumstances are just so, conversely the advantages should be taken away if careful consideration is taken to prevent such losses.
The way it is now, the battles are dice rolls on a risk board. If the skill gap is anything but minimal across the board there will be balance issues that arise.

Although I do agree that skill can be acquired. (Knowledge+Practice=Skill .)
If our wars were realistic you would be right; however, the way they are now and the way I prefer them to be, is completely skill based and not too effected by outside factors. Haha, I don't think I've ever played with you, but I'm the guy who complains and shouts when I miss out on a kill because of bloom (and it used to happen very often pre-TU). My point is, if we lose, it should be our fault, not because of an outside factor or because of something out of our control. A battle in FC (imo) should not be decided by numbers, but by skill, even though that's unrealistic.

Point is, you're right and your system works if you're trying to be realistic, but I don't think that is what this community should be about. This system doesn't work very well if we're trying to continue to stay competitive based.